Full Stack Developer v/s DevOps Developer : Which One is Better?

full stack development course

Last updated on April 2nd, 2024 at 06:54 am

A Full-Stack developer is responsible for creating and overseeing the development of a web application's front end, back end, and database administration.

Contrarily, a DevOps developer simplifies and automates software application deployment, testing, and monitoring to bridge the gap between development and operations teams.

Full Stack Developer Course

While there is some overlap between the two positions, DevOps developers are more concerned with infrastructure and deployment procedures, while Full-Stack developers are more concerned with application development and user experience.

Keep reading to find out which of the two roles is superior.

Key Responsibilities of the Two Roles

Some of the responsibilities of both job roles are:

Full-Stack Developer-

  • Building and Creating APIs
  • Structuring the front end of a website
  • UI development for a website page
  • Addressing both technical and consumer needs
  • Confirming the optimisation of mobile platforms
  • Adapting to changes in programming languages and online applications

DevOps Developer-

  • Performance supervision
  • Project development and planning
  • Project rollout
  • Testing and deployment of code
  • Upkeep and Problem-Solving
  • Programming with scripting languages and source code management

Full-Stack Developers vs DevOps Developers: Similarities

The following points are discussed to give a parallel between DevOps and Full-Stack engineers.

  • Full-stack programmers also leverage DevOps tools- As needed for a project, a Full Stack developer may use DevOps technologies like GitHub and mongoDB to create software applications. They are part of a process where both deployment and automation are required.
  • The degree of complexity of the software stack- Software stacks in use nowadays are far more varied. As a result, each stack component needs specifically skilled employees. A Full Stack developer will only be able to work on a software stack that is simple enough.
  • An imperative for agile execution- If the business is an industry-facing organisation that needs solutions that don't need frequent updates other than white labelling for the client firms, DevOps is not advised. The organisation can handle adjustments and maintenance needs with the help of Full-Stack developers.
  • Two specialists with different methods and approaches- Individuals on both development teams are highly trained professionals with the same objective. The objective is to deliver perfect software in the shortest time. Their approaches and guiding principles for accomplishing their goals set them apart.
  • The size of the needed crew and the available funds- For a sophisticated programme that uses various stacks, DevOps resources should be picked, while Full-Stack developers are ideal for apps with a narrow scope and multiple needs. When the cost is a crucial factor, Full-Stack developers may be a better alternative if your budget is tight.
  • Rapid scaling- You may scale up the number of services or product features and the number of business offers. If scaling is something you want to accomplish to improve the features of your product's current rating, you must hire an offshore DevOps developer.

Full Stack Developer vs DevOps Developer: Differences

Full-Stack Developer

  • Full-Stack developers must be proficient in various programming languages and have experience creating applications for several platforms.
  • While Full-Stack developers can work anywhere, they may also visit client locations. They collaborate with other teams and work on projects for the majority of their time.
  • They frequently focus heavily on data structures and algorithms, so they spend more time perfecting the user interface (UI) and ensuring it is easy to use.
  • Full-Stack developers find it challenging to master and implement the newest technologies in their job when they enter the market.

DevOps Developer

  • DevOps professionals need to know various tools that may help them automate processes like code testing and deployments.
  • DevOps professionals frequently operate in a team environment where they may interact with software developers and IT teams. They must quickly adjust to new problems because of the often fast-paced nature of their work environment.
  • DevOps developers focus more on infrastructure and back-end development, which means they are in charge of creating and maintaining the networks, servers, and databases that underpin apps.

Which one Between DevOps and Full-Stack Development Should You Choose?

The software development industry relies heavily on full-stack and DevOps development. DevOps developers are responsible for the upkeep of the infrastructure required for software applications. The design, development, testing, and delivery of software applications fall within the purview of Full-Stack developers. These jobs require a solid grasp of technology, web development tools, and programming languages.

Whether to use full-stack development or DevOps engineering should depend on personal preferences. 

If you're looking to focus on a certain area, DevOps developer may be your best choice. Full-Stack developers might be a great fit if you wish to work on a range of projects and have a more fundamental understanding of software development.


Full-Stack developers and DevOps developers have important roles in software development but have different areas of expertise and responsibilities. Ultimately, the right choice depends on the specific needs and goals of the software development project. 

Imarticus offers a Full Stack Development programme. The programme covers a wide range of topics, including front-end development and back-end development techniques.

As a comprehensive course, it provides hands-on experience in building full-stack web applications and also includes career services and job placement assistance to help students find employment post-course completion. 

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