Essential Tools to Excel at Full Stack Development

full stack development

Full stack development refers to the process of creating, designing, testing, and deploying an entire website from start to finish. Full stack development, a fusion of front-end and back-end expertise, involves proficiently navigating an array of intricate tools.

Developers within this domain are tasked with executing database development, back-end web programming, and front-end web functionalities.

A full stack developer must be proficient in a number of technical skills, tools, and technologies. Furthermore, employers also expect their full stack developers to know how various applications can function together in unison.

In this article, we will look into the advantages of full stack development and the tools full stack developers must use in order to excel.

Keep reading below to learn all about it!

Advantages of Full Stack Development

The notable advantages of full stack development are:

Complete Ownership: In full stack development, companies hire full stack web developers to create their entire website. Hence, companies get the advantage of owning their entire domain, which allows for more transparency, better control, and visibility.

Increased Efficiency: A full stack developer may more readily recognise problems in a website since they are responsible for both back-end and front-end developments. Hence, companies can expect their websites to run more efficiently.

Saves Cost and Time: Companies can save a ton of money and time by dedicating a single team of developers to create their websites. Additionally, this improves the overall workflow as well.

Tools To Excel Full Stack Development

With proficiency in a specifically required set of tools, full stack developers can further achieve greater productivity at work. Let us help you navigate some of these tools essential to simplify your journey to become a full stack developer.

GitHub: GitHub is one of the most prominently known full stack development tools, with nearly 2 million organisations using this format. One of the biggest advantages of GitHub is that it allows a simple and error-free coding interface. To add to that, GitHub has its own pool of talented developers who can help guide new full stack developers.

Backbone: Backbone is ideal for adding structure to JavaScript code. It helps in keeping codes organised and creating one-page applications. Additionally, Backbone can be used to transform data into models. Moreover, it can also automatically update the HTML of an application based on changing models.

WebStorm: WebStorm caters perfectly to individuals seeking coding support for JavaScript and TypeScript. In addition to offering a diverse range of themes and color schemes, WebStorm seamlessly collaborates with other full stack development tools such as GitHub and Electron, ensuring effortless integration.

Visual Studio Code: This tool can be readily paired with diverse frameworks and coding languages such as Rust, JavaScript, Ruby, etc. It also has advanced features, such as syntax highlighting and code refactoring, that make it a must-have for any full stack developer.

CodeKit: This comprehensive development tool significantly reduces time consumption by merging and validating JavaScript for syntax errors. Furthermore, CodeKit facilitates the instant installation of more than 6,000 pre-built components, including WordPress and Bootstrap, through a single click.

Electron: Electron helps users create desktop applications using languages like CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. Furthermore, it mends coding bugs on its own and hence, saves both time and resources. Electron is compatible with Linux, Microsoft, and Mac.

Jasmine: This tool mimics user behaviour and, thus, can be used to perform test cases. Essentially, Jasmine can be used to understand front-end development performance in addition to checking the responsiveness of a user interface.

TypeScript: To make full stack development more efficient and time-effective, developers can use TypeScript, which compiles all codes and can be managed across various devices and browsers. It also supports several JS libraries.


To conclude, full stack development helps create better-performing websites and applications. Several tools, like the ones mentioned above, help developers deploy websites and apps more effectively, with robust front-end, back-end, and database coding.

Needless to say, all companies and businesses need talented and experienced full stack developers to help secure their online presence. Especially with the rise in internet usage, enterprises are desperately looking for reliable full stack developers to be a part of their team.

Hence, choosing a career in full stack development can be quite beneficial for aspirants hoping to follow an optimistic career in tech. In this regard, Imarticus’s Full Stack Developer Course is the fuel your candidature needs to get the headstart it deserves!

This program comes with features like live learning, a hackathon, a job-focused curriculum, and much more to help candidates strengthen in-demand full stack developer skills. It also enables students to deal with real-world problems within a span of 6 months only,

So, sign up today and let your career experience skyrocketing growth!

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