E-Learning Solutions: Helping Organisations Ace Their Training

E-learning solutions allow working professionals to learn from anywhere. It could be accessed from computers or mobiles while they work. Companies often turn to e-learning solutions as it is effective, cost-efficient and sustainable. It is mostly used to upskill employees and push for the growth of a company.

Benefits of E-learning


The biggest problem with traditional learning is that it is almost impossible for companies to assess the effectiveness of the training programs. E-learning comes with tools to assess the performance of individual employees without much hassle.

Ease of learning

Everyone has different learning speeds. Thus e-learning could be the solution to decrease the pressure on employees so that they can learn at their own pace. It also helps the employees to revisit something they did not understand more comfortably. Since most employees have heavy work pressure, e-learning can also help with time management.

Cost efficiency

It reduces the cost that in-person training incurs. Companies don’t need to hire trainers for their every branch or from a faraway centre, which costs a lot. For example, imagine hiring 5 professional trainers to upskill the employees at five different branches of a company. Take that and introduce e-learning. Now, the company can send the e-learning material to the five branches. Also, after the completion of the program, they can get a detailed assessment report without the need to pay anyone for the analysis of performance.


Companies can work to upskill their employees without the need for new trainers. Now, there is no need to hire new professionals who have to design and plan according to a new batch. E-learning can also be tweaked that suits the requirement of the company. The elements can be changed according to the trend and new tools added to add relevance to the training program.

Tips to introduce e-learning training solutions

Select an objective

Future Of Corporate Training

Decide on an objective that matches the upskilling of the employees and the growth of the company. It helps to set a path and design an e-learning program that is beneficial for the company. It defines helps to tackle the gaps in learning and increases efficiency.

Carefully choose the tools

Tools are an important part of e-learning. However, they must be chosen carefully to match the budget and needs of the company. Companies need to select a program authoring toolkit, an online space to host the content and an effective way how to avail all this to their employees. They also need to work with the Learning Management System that works well for them.

What’s the budget?

Most companies fail to work around the budget for e-learning solutions. Companies also need to take the account of employees’ working hours spent on the e-learning tools. There might be some expensive add-ons or tweaks done to match the goals of the companies. Thus, a company must always plan a budget to ensure that their learning is not hampered and they don’t go over the budget.

Content is the key

Developing content for E-Learning Solutions includes deciding on tools such as PDFs, videos, audio, and quizzes that match the goals of the company. It should be relevant and retain the employee's interest until the last.

Why choose Imarticus Learning

Imarticus has domain-specific training programs for professionals working in finance, analytics, banking and tech. Imarticus is trusted by over 200 organisations like KPMG, Capgemini, HSBC and others.

It offers various HR and L&D solutions to provide specifically-tailored training solutions to the companies. Imarticus Learning’s 500+ trainers have worked for more than 4000 corporate training days. With more than 2800 e-learning hours for the transformation of growth of companies, it offers solutions that are effective to the core.

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