Digital Onboarding Solutions | Onboarding In 11 Steps

Any onboarding procedure for new employees should consider how daunting the first day on the job can be for them. Keeping this in mind, it takes time to find digital onboarding solutions for new employees.

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Studies have indicated that great onboarding programs can increase employee retention by 82%. The planning to find the right customer onboarding solutions begins even before the new employees submit their applications. Imarticus believes that it requires organisation, preparation, managers' time, and expenditures for web and HR resources to create the best onboarding programs.

11 Successful Steps for Effective Digital Onboarding

So, here are the 11 steps that make for the best digital onboarding solutions for companies:

Step 1: Get in touch before the joining date

Once interviewees are accepted, one should not only write them a thank-you note but also a welcome email. This should be done well before they begin their first day of work.

Step 2: Create an onboarding procedure in advance

New hires cannot be expected to arrive at work and know everything. Onboarding should not be confused with orientation, which usually refers to the first week of a new hire's employment. Therefore, a well-planned onboarding program is a must.

Step 3: Use job shadowing and mentoring

Job shadowing puts new hires in the field with their coworkers. This is a very effective kind of on-the-job training. With job shadowing, new hires are shown specific tasks and provided with real-world examples to learn from. Also, they will have a senior to walk them through the work.

Step 4: Set Goals From the Start

When self-driven people are aware of their long-term goals, they perform at their best. Setting goals early on will give the new hires a clear course and allow them to track their progress.

Step 5: Encourage open dialogue and idea sharing

If the leader does not show interest in their ideas, there is no point in hiring exceptional employees.

New hires might have some insightful things to say. They can bring experiences and ideas from their prior work to the table and bring a fresh angle to the business.

Step 6: Put company culture at the centre

Workers place more importance on a healthy corporate culture than higher pay. According to a poll, 56% of workers believed that positive workplace culture was more essential than salary.

Step 7: Do not demand too much of new hires

It can take months to properly integrate into a new firm and career. It is unfair to demand that new hires show productivity before they have achieved that.

Step 8: Automate the paperwork

Sending the paperwork to new hires in advance is ideal. Also, it is best done digitally since it shows that the company is advanced in keeping records.

Step 9: Streamline the first day

Employees' desks, computers, phones, and login details should be are set up before their joining. All the things that they might need on their first day, such as email addresses, name tags, and stationery, should also be prepared.

Step 10: Prepare current employees

The team should be notified via email about the new recruit in advance. The email can include details like their name, role, and personal information like their hobbies or favourite cuisines. This ensures that the new recruit feels welcome.

Step 11: Conduct routine follow-ups with the new hires

Managers should plan regular follow-ups with the new employee. The follow-up session should invite questions and feedback from them. On top of that, one can also casually check in on new hires by stopping by and asking them how they are settling in.

Employee retention can be increased with sound onboarding solutions. To develop leaders for tomorrow, Imarticus offers detailed customer onboarding solutions. These are aimed at better commitment and upskilling. With a blended learning approach, our onboarding programs have achieved several awards. At Imarticus, leaders can explore a range of courses to enhance their onboarding programs. Companies and their employees are sure to excel with Imarticus!

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