5 Tips For Incorporating Learning Reinforcement Into Your Corporate Learning And Development Programs

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5 Tips For Incorporating Learning Reinforcement Into Your Corporate Learning And Development Programs

In a study commissioned by Middlesex University for Work Based Learning, it was discovered that 74% of the 4,300 workers who participated felt they weren't working to their total capacity. This is because they felt there weren't enough possibilities for professional growth.

training and development

The same study revealed that 56% of HR managers viewed learning and development as one of the key business enablers. Developing an effective corporate training program that supports your company's objectives is challenging. It will be easier with the help of this list of 5 doable suggestions. These incorporate learning reinforcement into corporate learning and development programs.

  1. Understand the needs of the employees

Upper management can identify long-term training objectives and skill requirements. Still, they won't be as familiar with the "facts on the ground". This is what regular employees can offer. Skills gap assessments can only provide the HR team with little information. Go right to the source to enhance the company's training program. Directly ask the staff about their pain points and gaps in learning.

  1. Include soft skills

One of the most frequent mistakes in corporate training is leaving out soft skills. Hard skills are equally necessary for management positions and jobs involving consumer engagement. But, soft skills are needed for daily routines. The training program should strike a balance between encouraging soft skills and hard technical skills. The former include leadership, decision-making, time management, and conflict resolution. The latter include office software, accountancy, etc.

Soft skills need interpersonal interaction. They are challenging to address in a typical online learning course. Thus, soft skills training is a natural fit for a blended learning strategy.

  1. Foster ongoing learning

Employees have access to everyday learning opportunities in an environment where learning is encouraged. Any of the below strategies can help companies promote a culture of lifelong learning:

Support certification: Certification programs build on employees' prior knowledge. It could also introduce them to newer concepts.

Support staff participation in conferences and events: These are great places to engage the staff in networking and skill development activities away from work.

Employee development through role-playing: The company can keep upskilling its workers. It can also reinforce further information by investing in learning and development programs.

  1. Adopt blended learning

eLearning is not intended to be a substitute for traditional learning. Even now, some skills are still best learned in person. This group of skills includes those that require interaction with others or physical effort. Combining instructor-led training (ILT) with eLearning is a simple way to enhance activity in the workplace. Blended or hybrid learning is the term for this type of instruction.

  1. Use gamification for better engagement

It is not surprising that learners appreciate friendly competition and rewards when learning.

These approaches can help include gamification in the learning strategy:

  • Give learners badges for completing activities.
  • Create a dashboard where learners can follow the advancement of their peers.
  • Set daily targets to motivate learners to participate.
  • Include quizzes or mini-games in your learning exercises.

By incorporating gamification into workplace training, the company will include a competitive element that boosts engagement and encourages staff to learn.


A robust learning culture must be the foundation of reinforcement as it evolves into a seamless process. The sum total of knowledge employees need to know and remember is increasing, despite all trends and statistics indicating that time and attention are getting shorter. This necessitates the development of a quick learning process, based on the principles of microlearning and reinforcement. In today's fast-paced workplace, there is no other way to ensure that learning sticks!

With a strong experience in offering the best Corporate Learning And Development Programs or Executive Leadership Training Programs, Imarticus can be the ideal choice to promote corporate learning and development.

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