20 Things You Should Know About Executive Management Training

20 Things You Should Know About Executive Management Training

The world of business is in a constant state of flux. Business context changes with advancements in technology and other broader changes in the business environment.

If you are a business executive, you are expected to keep pace with these changes and upgrade your competencies to grow personally—in an individual professional capacity—and also to help the organisation grow. According to an article in Forbes, executive management training is the surest way to achieve professional growth, improve company culture, and polish your and the organisation’s brand.

What is executive management training?


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Typically, executive management training programmes are short, non-degree training programmes for business executives. Business schools often offer these programmes and cover specific skills to prepare managers and executives for a specific role or industry.

However, many organizations run in-house corporate training programmes for employees. These in-house programmes may be run by employees with the required expertise/specialised knowledge doubling up as trainers.

The effectiveness of executive management training is considered to be higher due to enhanced peer-to-peer engagement.

What you should know about executive management training

Most managers and executives in an organisation are busy and hard-pressed for time to hone their professional skills. Therefore, executive management training is intended to deliver the maximum impact in a limited time. The most important things that you should know about executive management training are:

The training can be offered in various formats and delivery methodologies, personalised to meet your organisation's specific needs. Some training programmes might even be offered as free webinars.

In an open enrolment format, executive management training is offered by business schools on fixed dates throughout the year.

Training could also be in a customised format. Here, training is tailored to the requirements specified by the organisation, depending on the learning needs of its managers and executives.

According to a recent ET report, management training significantly raises individual and organisational productivity by improving skill levels.

The report in ET also found that when the employees' skills and knowledge are improved, it also helps improve organisational performance.

Usually, the training may be offered as a short course (5 days or less) to impart specific skills for ready application in everyday work.

For training courses requiring more time, the systems may be designed in a modular format (multiple teaching blocks over an extended duration) for the convenience of employees who might find it difficult to take a long time off for the training.

Training programmes requiring the assimilation of in-depth understanding could be designed as full-time, longer-term programmes.

Executive management training is offered in online or blended modes for individuals requiring scheduling flexibility.

Executive management training helps senior executives acquire an updated perspective on the current economic and social issues, which helps them design appropriate winning business strategies.

Executive management training programmes can also be designed for early/mid-career executives and the top leadership in the organisation.

An HBR study found that focused HR practices, including management training, bring people from across the organisation together, promoting team building and collaboration.

Final thoughts

Executive management training is critical for every organisation. Irrespective of the size of your organisation, such training can help you get the best out of your employees. Investment in skills and knowledge training will enable your teams to take on and accomplish the most challenging business goals.

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