UAE - Measuring the success of gamification in onboarding: Key metrics to track

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Are you looking for ways to measure the success of your gamification strategy? Look no further. We got you.

Gamification can be a great way to engage and motivate your new hires. But how do you measure the success of your gamification efforts?

Corporate Training

Gamification in onboarding has become increasingly popular in the UAE, with companies recognising the potential of gamified solutions for onboarding. This approach not only engages new employees but also helps them to quickly learn about the company, its culture and its values.

Companies that incorporate gamification into their onboarding process should prioritize measuring the effectiveness of their approach and confirming that it is producing the intended outcomes.

In this article, we will discuss the essential measurements that should be monitored while employing gamification for onboarding purposes. Read on.

Key metrics to track for companies using gamification in onboarding

1. Completion rates

The completion rates of gamified onboarding activities are a critical engagement metric. Companies should track the completion rates of each activity in the gamified onboarding process. This determines if there are any areas where employees are dropping off.

If completion rates are low, it may indicate that the activity is too difficult or not engaging enough. In this case, companies can adjust the activity or create a new one to better meet employee needs.

2. Time spent on each activity

If employees are spending too little time on an activity, it may show that the activity is too easy or not engaging enough. On the other hand, if employees are spending too much time on an activity, it may suggest that the activity is too difficult or confusing.

Companies can adjust the level of difficulty. It is by tracking the time spent on each activity. This ensures that employees are engaged and challenged.

3. Feedback from new employees

Feedback from new employees is essential for gamified learning. Companies should encourage new employees to provide feedback on the gamified onboarding process. This feedback can be collected through surveys, interviews or focus groups.

Companies can gain insight into what is working well and what needs improvement. it is by listening to employee feedback Also, by involving employees in the onboarding process, companies can foster a sense of ownership and engagement.

4. Knowledge retention metrics

The purpose of onboarding is to provide new employees with the knowledge and skills they need to be successful in their new roles.

Gamification can enhance knowledge retention by making the learning process fun and engaging. But it is important to measure knowledge retention to ensure that employees are learning and retaining information.

Before the gamified onboarding process begins, companies can administer a pre-training assessment to measure employees' baseline knowledge. After the gamified onboarding process is complete, companies can run a post-training assessment to measure how much employees have learned.

By comparing the results of both assessments, companies can determine if gamification is effective in enhancing knowledge retention.

6. Performance metrics

The goal of onboarding is to ensure that new employees are productive and contributing members of the team.

Hence, it is important to measure performance metrics to determine if the gamified onboarding process is achieving this goal.

7. Time to productivity

Time to-productivity metric measures how long it takes for new employees to become fully productive in their new roles.

By tracking this metric, companies can determine if the gamified onboarding process is effective in helping new employees become productive more quickly.

8. Employee retention rates

Companies should track the retention rates of employees who have completed the gamified onboarding process. This helps to determine if the process is effective in retaining employees.

Closing note

Measuring the success of gamification in onboarding is essential for companies to ensure that they are achieving their goals. Companies can identify areas for improvement and optimise the gamified onboarding process by tracking engagement, knowledge retention and performance metrics

At Imarticus Learning, we offer gamified onboarding solutions that can help your company engage new hires and improve knowledge retention. Connect with us today.

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