Stages Of Money Laundering And How To Combat It!

Money launderers' methods are becoming more sophisticated every day, and financial transactions are becoming more complicated. In addition, the speed with which money and assets can be transformed and transferred has expanded rapidly due to the greater use of technical communications.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to money laundering. Regardless of the methods used, the laundering process is divided into three stages, each of which may include launderers' transactions that could alert a financial institution to criminal conduct.

Money Laundering Process

Anti-Money LaunderingMoney laundering is a word that refers to the practice of converting cash obtained through criminal activities into legitimate and clean funds. This article will look at three broad stages and measures to prevent money laundering.

Money laundering usually involves three stages, including-


When a person involved in criminal activity deposits monetary proceeds into the financial system, this is the first stage of money laundering. This is done to get rid of the money obtained through unlawful means. This stage corresponds to the criminal's maximum level of vulnerability.


The money is then separated from its original, illicit source in the following stage of money laundering. This stage of the procedure is frequently tricky. Money can be altered such that audits do not notice it by moving it quickly and to other regions. Money may be transferred between different nations at this point.


The funds are integrated when they are placed and layered into the financial system. The criminal can then obtain funds from their initial illicit source in ways that don't bring notice to the issue.

Ways To Combat Money Laundering:

Innovations In Technology

The technology used to detect money laundering-related suspicious activity is improving and becoming more accurate. AI and Big Data software enable these systems to become more precise with anti-money laundering.

Record Management And Software Filtering

Financial institutions and corporations also retain thorough records of transactions and employ software that might identify questionable conduct. For example, customer data can be categorized according to suspicion, and transactions can be rejected if particular criteria are met.

Holding Period

Many banks demand that deposits be kept in an account for a certain number of days (usually around five). This holding period reduces the possibility of money laundering when it is moved via banks.

Investment bankers and financial regulators are trained with anti-money laundering practices to look for laundering cases in their daily encounters. Violations of these laws will result in hefty fines and other consequences.

How To Become A Investment Banker?

Anyone with a thorough understanding of financial assets and investing has a chance to work as an Investment Banker. However, for those seeking entry-level careers in the field, the following courses are beneficial:

  • Com Hons.
  • BBA in Finance
  • MBA
  • CFA Program

A professional can enter the field and earn meaningful experience with a certification course in Investment Banking by Imarticus to advance in the industry.

In terms of depth, expertise, and relevance to the Investment banking sector, the CIBOP program by Imarticus is the answer to your query "how to become an investment banker?"

It stands out in the category of finance courses. It's an excellent method to develop industry-relevant subject expertise and land a job at a top global bank.

Course Highlights:

Case Studies: Complex business scenarios and real-world application cases.

In-class simulations: Allow students to learn through the use of simulations that mimic real-world challenges.

Teach-backs and evaluations: Key concepts are internalized through assignments, assessments, and quizzes, while teach-back sessions confirm knowledge correctness.

Interactions between industries: Prepare presentations based on real-world events and understand how market dynamics affect financial markets.

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