Imarticus Learning: Fuelling India's Data Analytics Workforce

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What is Data Analytics?

 Data Analytics involves analyzing raw data and drawing meaningful conclusions and patterns from that data. In data analytics, a lot of processes are automated to eliminate manual intervention. You can take up a data analytics course to understand the intricacies of the subject.

In data analytics, a lot of algorithms are prepared to make the job easy. These days you can take up a data analytics course with placement. A data analytics certification course makes you credible enough for the job.

Understanding Data Analytics

best data analytics certification courses in IndiaData Analytics can be complex when you try to understand it. A data analytics certification course can help you know what the subject entails and how to make the best use of it. The data analytics course will also introduce you to the world of algorithms.

Data Analytics is a broad subject that includes several diverse types of data analysis techniques.

Data Analytics can be used to mine different kinds of data insights. These insights can be used in improving processes and transforming them for the convenience of the data users. You can take up a data analytics course with placement to practically apply these algorithms and techniques of data sorting and data analysis.

Companies like Imarticus Learning are tirelessly working towards making the Indian workforce tech-savvy and well-versed with data analytics and its application. If more and more workforce joins hands with Imarticus to learn data analytics, the workforce will become digitally enabled to deal with a large amount of data. They would know how the data would be put to proper use.

Use Cases of Data Analytics

Data Analytics training can be used to understand several trends that dominate the market. You can apply predictive analysis using the insights from these data points. Several industries are now making use of data analytics to optimize their processes.

For instance, in the manufacturing industry, data analytics is used to store and record runtime, work queue, and downtime of all the machines in the factory. The data can then be utilized to optimize all the processes and to make manufacturing better.

However, data analytics is not limited to spotting bottlenecks in the process. It can do much more. It can make the entire process better and more efficient. You can also use data analytics to speed up the manufacturing process as a whole, as with data analytics, you can reduce the waste to a great extent.

Types of Data Analytics

If the workforce knows how to use Data Analytics, they will be able to use technology better. Some of the types of Data Analytics are:

  1. Descriptive Analytics: This is used to understand what has happened over a while.
  2. Diagnostic Analytics: If something happens, you can analyze what went wrong using diagnostic analytics.
  3. Predictive Analytics: In the case of predictive analytics, the algorithms are used to predict a future trend.
  4. Prescriptive Analytics: These algorithms are used to take a suggestive measure for any action.


Building an analytics workforce is the need of the hour. Therefore, it is essential to train more professionals and prepare them for the analytics world. Digital literacy is very important to automate functions, and data analytics is an integral part of it.

Imarticus is on a spree to enable people to use data analytics to decode patterns and understand data. Imarticus has several courses on data analytics. You can enroll in all of these courses to get an in-depth insight into how data analytics works and make the best use of it. The certifications from Imarticus have a great value in the industry.

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