How Imarticus Learning Helped Me Become An Investment Banker - Neelam Chauhan’s Story!

Investment Banking Training Course

Like so many before her, Neelam Chauhan was fresh out of college and armed with a bachelor’s degree in Commerce, eager to take the leap into becoming a full-time working professional in the field of banking and finance.

But she knew that her degree alone would not be enough to convince potential employers to take a gamble on her. She had to amplify her industry-specific knowledge and skills, especially if she was serious about becoming an investment banker like she wanted to be since her college days.

It did not take long for Neelam to come across Imarticus Learning’s flagship Certified Investment Banking Operations Professional (CIBOP) program online, and after speaking with an Imarticus counselor, she was convinced that enrolling in the program was the best career move to make. Her decision was rewarded handsomely, with Neelam crediting Imarticus Learning’s CIBOP program for her immense professional development and preparing her for a life as a modern-day investment banker.

When asked to rate Imarticus Learning’s CIBOP program, Neelam did not hesitate to give it a score of 5 out of 5, citing the depth and efficacy of the course content, the vast experience of the teaching faculty, and the real-world applications of all that she learned during her tenure with Imarticus Learning as factors influencing her positive judgment.

Additionally, she highlighted the importance of guest lectures from working industry professionals that provided her with extremely valuable insights into the functioning of current investment banking practices, products, and procedures that she would not have received from traditional textbooks or other mediums.

The resume building section of the CIBOP program was another massive benefit for a fresher like Neelam, as she did not know how to draft a professional resume before joining Imarticus Learning. This gave her further leverage in her pursuit of becoming a distinguished investment banker.

Neelam reserves very high praise for Imarticus Learning’s CIBOP teaching faculty, particularly for Mrs. Lourdes Miranda, who she says “has been a great teacher and understands the needs of students very well. She has a vast spectrum of investment banking knowledge, and I’m grateful for the way she shared it with us.”

Neelam believes that any young professional aiming to boost their career in investment banking should look no further than Imarticus Learning. The comfortable and nurturing study environment, the world-class staff, the numerous job placement opportunities provided after successful completion of the CIBOP program, and her overall learning experience and personal journey make Imarticus Learning the obvious choice for budding investment bankers like herself.

To find out more about Neelam Chauhan’s experience at Imarticus Learning, please click here.

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