Getting on the Right Artificial Intelligence Path

Last updated on October 13th, 2022 at 05:46 am


Are you looking to expand your current skill-sets? Does Artificial Intelligence pique your interest? Artificial Intelligence uses software or machines to use intelligence similar to that of humans. Even the humble calculator is an example of artificial intelligence. The field of AI is currently focusing on creating systems that can reason, learn, present knowledge, plan, and understand natural language amongst many others.

If you want to jump into this new and exciting field of innovation, you might want to make sure that you have your basics covered. There are several artificial intelligence courses in India that you can enrol in. However, if you are looking to explore on your own, you can follow the path given below to give you an understanding of how AI functions.

Brush Up On Your Math
A strong understanding of mathematics is key to your ability to move forward in the field of AI. Knowing as much math as you can will definitely help you later, but at the start, you can focus on statistics, calculus, and optimization. There are several resources available online for these topics, and you can also brush the dust off your old math textbooks.

Learn A Language
No, we don’t mean French. You need to learn the right programming languages in order to be able to delve into Artificial Intelligence. Focus your time on learning Python, C, and C++. These languages come with well-stocked toolkits and libraries which will help you navigate your future projects. Each of these languages has their own benefits and limitations, but starting with Python is a good bet. Look up artificial intelligence online courses offered by Imarticus Learning.

Solve a Problem you Know
One of the best ways to get started on AI is to practice with a problem you know and are interested in. It will keep you motivated as you continue to delve deeper into the intricacies of AI. The problem should interest you and must come with ready to access data that can be worked with a single machine. You could also start with the Titanic Competition that is tailormade for beginners like you.

Make Your Own Bot
A BOT is a type of weaker AI that can complete automated tasks. Try your hand at building your very own Chatbot. An example of an advanced chatbot is the Google Search Engine. It has three basic components – input text, send button, and output text. You can explore open source platforms like XPath and Regex in order to build your very own chatbot. This chatbot can be complex or funny and helpful. You can choose what your bot does for you.

Participate in an Actual Kaggle Competition
Kaggle has many real-time competitions that see hundreds of enthusiasts try to solve a problem. You can test out your knowledge and also learn where you need to explore more. This opportunity also allows you to connect to other AI enthusiasts. The forums are a rich resource on problem-solving and debugging.

Free Resources
There are many places on the internet and artificial intelligence courses which will help you expand your knowledge of AI one skill at a time. A great free resource is the Intel AI Academy which provides much-needed support, tech, and other tools for beginners like yourself.

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