Financial goal setting: Dos and Donts

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Last updated on September 12th, 2022 at 11:02 am

Financial goal setting: Dos and Donts

If you have ever tried to set a financial goal, you have probably found that it's easier said than done. You may feel overwhelmed by your finances or tired of them. This post will help you create SMART goals that are realistic and achievable but also specific enough so that they can get measured easily over time. 

Do make sure your goals are achievable

  • Make sure your goals are realistic.
  • Make sure they are specific and measurable.
  • Make sure they are relevant to you and your life, not just the world.
  • Make sure they are time-bound by setting a deadline to complete each step in achieving them (e.g., within one year).
  • Balance your values with financial goals, so you don't sacrifice one for the other—it should be possible to achieve both!

Do make them specific

One of the best ways to set a goal is to be specific about what you want to achieve. Your goals must measure your progress and know how well you are doing.

Do make sure they are measurable

  • Measurable goals are clear, precise, and specific. They can be tracked and measured by the person or team with the plan, so they know whether or not they have succeeded in reaching their target.
  • Measurable goals also have a time frame.
  • The main thing is that your goal should be achievable by yourself (or anyone else with whom you work together). 

Don't let them be too rigid

Your financial plan should always be flexible enough to adjust as circumstances change and new opportunities arise. If your goal is not flexible enough, then it will be difficult for you to reach it because there may be times when things look bleak, but they'll still get better later on. 

Don't just write down your goal. It is essential to reflect on them regularly

Reflecting on your goals regularly will help you stay motivated and ensure you are on track with them. If you don't measure your progress, it can be challenging to know if you are making any headway or if something else needs to get done for the goal to reach.

It's also essential for people who have set their sights on a particular goal but don't know how they're going to achieve it.

Don't use too many metrics

When setting goals, you want to choose just a few metrics that are relevant to your life. They must be measurable, time-bound, specific, and realistic. You can't expect to achieve all of them at once or within the next year—and even if you do, there's no guarantee that they will result in a positive outcome.

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