Entrepreneurial and Executive Education from IITs in 2023

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Amongst the various cogs in the wheel which have contributed to this nation's success, it is India’s entrepreneurial activity that has witnessed unprecedented growth. The evolution of entrepreneurship was one of the key contributors to our nation’s success. One can judge the level at which entrepreneurial ventures have gotten acceptance in our society by the fact that India was placed higher above economic powerhouses such as China, The United States, and the UK when it comes to starting new businesses.

The numbers add up

The Indian start-up ecosystem witnessed exponential growth between 2015 and 2021, recording a nine-fold increase in the number of investors; an increase in the total funding of start-ups by seven times; and a seven-fold increase in the number of incubators.  These numbers are highly encouraging and just go to show how useful and helpful entrepreneurial and executive education can be. For individuals who'd like to avail such expertise, IITs provide just the education and industry knowledge one needs. Some benefits of IIT courses for working professionals include –

  1. Enabling people to develop an entrepreneurial mindset along with providing them with practical knowledge.
  2. Benefit from a well-crafted platform to imbibe the entrepreneurial culture and be a part of the entrepreneurial ecosystem.
  3. Learn how to nourish purposeful business ideas and incubate and fund meritorious business opportunities.
  4. Get equipped with all the new technologies to ensure that one doesn’t fall behind in the competitive business market.

Imarticus Learning 

IIT certification courses can be incredibly useful but one can avail the benefits of these courses by taking part in corporate training programs of Imarticus learning. One doesn’t have to enrol on the IITs to truly enjoy the plethora of advantages over others. By taking part in our training programs, one can enjoy benefits similar to that of IIT courses for working professionals and stay ahead of the dynamic business landscape.

Benefits of Imarticus Learning’s training programs

  1. Focus on boosting creativity, innovation, and design thinking.
  2. Increased knowledge of marketing management and digital marketing.
  3. Fusing an individual into the vast and complicated entrepreneurial landscape and ecosystem.
  4. Teaching personnel how to run entrepreneurial operations and enable the strong will to make tough decisions as they appear and occur in day-to-day business.
  5. Focus on creating leaders and enabling skills to ensure smooth management of teams and personnel.

Who are these programs for

  1. Aspiring entrepreneurs who soon wish to start and run their own ventures. Such a program can be the much-needed help that one needs as it can help one to get started with their dreams and make it easier for them to navigate the shark-infested waters of the modern-day business landscape.
  2. Working professionals who wish to be their own bosses. Working tirelessly for someone else can be mentally straining. Knowing that you are your own boss can make one work harder.
  3. Professionals such as doctors, lawyers, artists, and photographers who wish to set up their own businesses can benefit greatly from such programs. Stepping into a completely new line of work can be daunting and such a program can help one to make this transition much easier.
  4. Newly graduates from universities can largely enjoy the fruits of such programs. Graduates can find themselves at crossroads once they move out of universities. Such programs can provide them with much-needed direction in their professional life.

Given the multiple advantages of such programs, it makes sense that one gives them a chance. They offer a plethora of benefits and even have the potential to change one’s life. Moreover, they not only promote entrepreneurial spirit but can also be major factors behind the country’s economic progress.

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