Developing a career in 2022 with the best banking and finance course

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Fintech is simply the use of technology to automate and improve the financial services offered by any business or company. It is currently empowering everything around us to provide cutting-edge solutions to every tiny problem. The lockdown after the Covid-19 pandemic has contributed largely to the global boom of the Fintech market. While the global users grew by almost 64%, in India the growth of Fintech consumers was highest at 87%. The mobile payment you do on GooglePay, that’s a real-life example of Fintech in play. If you have recently purchased bitcoins on Coinbase, that’s again Fintech. If you’re intrigued by these instances and want to dive deeper into the field, then enrol yourself on an online Fintech course. A Fintech program online teaches you all about this sector and is ideal for anyone looking forward to securing a job in Fintech.

In this article, we are putting forward all the details about an online Fintech course, and how it is gradually becoming a game changer in securing high-profile jobs.

What is a Fintech certification course?

A Fintech certification course empowers a learner’s knowledge about the sector, via the means of both theoretical and hands-on practical training provided by experts in the industry. The course also encompasses case studies from the real world, along with opportunities to work with emerging technologies like Cloud Computing, Blockchain, etc. Any online Fintech course like the professional certificate in Fintech provided by Imarticus gives a scope to learn the basics in a short time of only 100 hours. However, if you’re interested in diving deeper into the Fintech knowledge pool then there’s also the pro module available at 140 learning hours.

Fintech course: Eligibility Criteria

For an online Fintech course, the minimum criteria are to have a graduation or master’s degree, like BSc, BE, BCA, BBA and likewise. There are certain courses, however, which also demand a few years of hands-on work experience. 

A career in Fintech: What are the scopes?

A Fintech specialist has a wide range of career choices. Here are your topmost choices which offer phenomenal career growth:

  • Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
  • WealthTech
  • Data Analysis
  • Robo-advisors
  • RegTech, which covers Risk, Governance and Compliance with the use of technology
  • Cybersecurity
  • Cryptocurrency, Blockchain

The most highly remunerated Fintech jobs include:

  • Entrepreneurship, where you get to be your boss by starting your own Fintech company.
  • Leadership roles like consultant or strategist for various financial institutions.
  • Fintech Programmers

Thus, you can see why Fintech is such an excellent career choice. It is a booming sector where newer job opportunities are developing each day.

Why is a Fintech course so important?

Both technology and finance have had a pervasive nature in the case of any industry, owing to which a learner must have the necessary knowledge to fuse the two. The courses are considered to be game changers because their sole purpose is to make the learners aware of the various business models, challenges in regulation, various start-up ecosystems, and likewise. Through these courses, it is easier for the learners in creating or joining a network of a similar-minded crowd and receiving mentorship from the experts in the industry. 

What are the reasons for an unparalleled boom in the Fintech job market?

workplace etiquette

By infusing Information Technology with Data Science, the business of financial services is becoming a high-tech business venture. The Fintech sector not only provides productivity on the users’ end but this productivity is equally paired with convenience. The entire methodology of investing and spending your hard-earned money is being revolutionised, hence the boom in this sector. Almost every other financial company, thus, is in search of Fintech specialists to help them in problem analysis, its prevention and corresponding mitigation.  

Advantages of taking up a Fintech course

The top-notch benefits of opting for an online Fintech course are:

Greater exposure

A chance to work and deal with emerging technologies. A Fintech program helps the learner to get an idea or lays the basic knowledge foundation for them to deal with these latest seamless technological advancements. 

Less competition

The sector also provides a competitive edge. As the sector is still quite new, paired with its largeness, there aren’t sufficient skilled resources. This provides the Fintech learners with a competitive edge, as most financial organisations don’t waste time absorbing new talents.

Boost your career

Opting for a Fintech course also adds weight to your simple resume. If you’re a fresher, such a course will help you to make your resume pop up among the large ocean of applicants. On the other hand, if you’re already a professional and looking for a change, this course can give you a jumpstart.

Summing up

The demand for Fintech specialists is already on the rise in India, and the global market demand is also not lagging. The financial sector, thanks to such a widespread technological revolution is further expected to grow, and hence create more job vacancies in the future. So, by considering certain factors like your own interests, retention capacity, future goals, etc., make sure you jump right into the correct online Fintech course and make the most of it.

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