Corporate Training and Development: Why it's important in 2022

corporate training for employees

Corporate Training and Development: Why it's important in 2022

The world of work is changing. Some jobs are changing faster than others. It almost appears as if one is in the midst of a revolution. Hence, corporate training and development are more important in 2022 to enable professionals to keep pace with rapidly-changing labour markets.

According to the World Economic Forum, “half of the employees will need to be reskilled by 2025”.  Therefore, companies need to put learning at the heart of the business.  

The pandemic has only changed the nature of the game. There are hybrid work options, teams are working remotely and companies are expressing the need to reskill the employees to meet the changing demands of the business.

The year 2021 was even more volatile, as it witnessed “The Great Resignation”, where individuals left their jobs at an unprecedented rate. What’s more, 2022 is going to be no different unless companies step up and invest in workforce training and development.

So how companies can navigate the difficult waters ahead. Here are a few thoughts:

Learning and Development: a competitive differentiator in 2022

As per reports, more than half the workforce demands training and development to perform better in their respective roles. Leaders have to be active champions of the learning and development culture in the organization.

According to Harvard Business Review, employee surveys reflect that workers will stay if companies invest in their development. Thus, it becomes important that organizations create a structure for learning.

In short, upskilling is the only survival strategy to fuel and even sustain the growth of a company in 2022 and beyond. To thrive in the post-pandemic world, companies need to join the bandwagon where corporate training and development will be a key differentiator to retaining employees.

Optimize Learning Conditions to build a strong culture of learning

It can be difficult to motivate an overworked team to take time out to learn. This is why managers should encourage their reporters to participate in training programs. The team should create learning targets, and leaders should emphasize skill development.

This is why it is imperative to celebrate and praise employees who utilize new skills at work. It’s even more important to have regular career conversations to assess the learning needs of individual team members.  To stay effective in 2022, organizations need to create training plans that fit the needs of individuals.

Here’s what the employees are saying as per reports:

  • 76% of employees state they will more likely stay with a company that offers continuous training and learning opportunities
  • 44% happen to pursue training on their own to stay competitive in the current market
  • 45% expressed the need for additional training to perform better in their given roles

(Source: Forbes)

To get employees on board, leaders must act as catalysts and emerge as significant players to set training and development programs in motion.

Imarticus Learning: Powerhouse of knowledge

One can even enroll in leadership and learning programs offered by Imarticus Learning.  From mentorship to networking, this future tech-based professional education brand is shaping the workforce of tomorrow. By participating or enrolling in cutting-edge new age programs, one can earn industry-endorsed certification.

The message for employers is clear that if they don’t offer vibrant learning and development options, employees are going to seek it elsewhere. Therefore, at Imarticus, professionals can close the skill gap and seek career advancement within the organization. 

As an e-learning platform, Imarticus empowers professionals to embrace online learning and develop skills wherever and whenever convenient for them. With 56,000+ placements, 45,000+ career transitions, and 500+ hiring partners, Imarticus has supercharged the career of many professionals.

Having partnered with leading institutions and corporations such as KPMG, NSE, Moody’s Analytics, and many more, Imarticus has helped professionals excel in their given fields.

Therefore, to stay ahead in 2022, it’s time to hone the skills of the workforce to help them perform better and align with organizational goals by partnering with Imarticus Learning. 

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