Why Choose Game-Based Learning: Imarticus Learning Explain

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The game-based learning approach uses new tools. These tools are good to improve and test the knowledge of learners. Research and Market published a report. The game-based learning industry was worth USD 4.75 billion in 2019. Experts expect it to reach USD 17 billion by 2026. The compound annual growth rate for the forecast period is 20.7%.

Imarticus Learning explains why game-based learning has gotten so much attention recently.

Game-based learning as a corporate learning solution

People should remember what they learn. This will help in the training and development of employees. Employees usually forget what they learnt in corporate learning solutions. Studies show that people forget about 70% of what they learn within a day. In 30 days, they cannot remember 90% of the details. Corporate learning platforms use new and interesting games. These tools use repetition, meeting goals and failure. The creative learning tasks make learning fun and easy.

Demand for game-based learning

Several corporate learning platforms put games into learning activities. Here are some benefits of doing this -

Boosts Engagement

Game-based learning uses fun and experimental learning. This active learning method keeps people absorbed. It helps firms reduce distractions. The courses improve the attention span of the employees.

Builds Retention

Solutions based on games use practice methods. These include demonstrations and audio-visual learning methods. The methods allow people to practice. They can take part in these games. These methods also increase retention. They ensure that employees put these lessons into practice.

Improves Critical Thinking

Games help improve decision-making skills. They boost critical thinking. The tactics used in the games allow people to plan their moves. Corporate learning solutions create simulations of actual work settings. This gives employees an idea of the challenges they might face. Game-based learning helps people learn how to deal with different cases. It also helps them understand how to avoid unwanted cases.

Boosts Social Learning

Game-based learning makes it easy to use social learning skills. The tasks help people use collective knowledge. It includes teamwork and communication on many levels. Some games use mentor-training methods. This makes it easy to learn how to communicate with seniors.

Tracks Learning

Game-based learning allows companies to check the training process. Employees can track real-time data on their answers. Companies can understand how people are reacting to the methods. Course designers can make changes if trainees don't make the needed progress. Custom-made training methods can help employees learn.

Feedback Mechanism

Game-based corporate learning solutions give instant feedback. Traditional methods cannot do this. This makes learning enjoyable and useful. Good feedback motivates employees. Thus, they can work better. It also helps employees stay updated.

Final thoughts

Imarticus Learning offers a corporate learning platform for companies. The courses understand the problems in businesses. They help learners grow. The platform allows peer learning. It builds competitive elements for employee growth. Corporate learning solutions help people understand business decisions.

The success of game-based learning at Imarticus comes from experience. Existing products have been a success. These include onboarding solutions, simulations and strong AI-driven methods. They allow companies to test the skill sets of employees. Thus, they can better understand how to keep employees happy.

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