What Are the Types of Change Management

Change Management

What is Change Management?

Change Management is a process that helps organizations/firms to cope up with advancements. With all the technological enhancements going on, they need to adapt quickly to the changes. Their employees also have to learn and adapt to new working methodologies to grow. In this article, types of organizational change management & individual change management will be discussed.

Types of Organisational Change Management

• Evolutionary Change Management – It is one of the oldest and most experienced forms of change management. It is a part of natural selection where man has evolved and so do his thinking. It may not be evident in a short period but when we compare the state of today’s industries to the state of industries fifty years back, we might witness a lot of change.

• Revolutionary Change Management – This type of change management occurs when organizations/firms are forced to change due to extreme/foreign forces. It may be from the government, protests, etc. Firms have to cope up with these types of changes otherwise it may become a matter of survival of the firm in the market.

• Directed Change Management – Directed Change Management is a younger model of change management than the aforementioned models. It is designed to achieve a specific target/vision. Organizations have to use their custom models, strategies & processes to achieve the desired goal. It is of three types which are as follows:

1. Developmental Change Management - Whenever any organization brings changes in its working culture, methodologies, standards, etc. they have to cope up with the developmental change management. Examples of developmental changes are an increase in sales/capital, a shift in communication standards, etc. The firm has to make sure that each employee learns and adapts to the new changes. If they fail to do so, it will ultimately hamper the firm.

2. Transformational change management - It is a complex and challenging type of change management faced by companies/firms. They have to work on a vision/aim in which the future is uncertain. The hit and trial method is widely used to generate more information. Examples of Transformational change are shifting of business on a digital/virtual platform, complex mergers & acquisitions, etc.

3. Transitional Change Management – Transitional change occurs when the present state is going to be changed into something completely different and better. Examples are the launch of new services/products replacing the old ones, shifting of work locations, IT shifts, etc. The firm has to ensure that each employee should let go of the old working environment both mentally and emotionally to grow and develop.

Individual Change Management

The aforementioned change management types were in respect of organizations. Personal change management is also important for a person to adapt quickly to the changes and play a part in the development of the firm. it is also categorized into four types as follows:

• Exceptional Change Management – In this type, an individual has to make sure that personal trouble in any field should not affect all other parts of life and living.

• Incremental Change Management – In this one, an individual has to cope up with monitory hikes, new responsibilities to adapt to a new role.

• Pendulum Change Management – When a complete swing of the present state to another state happens, this type of change occurs. An individual has to make sure he survives

• Paradigm Change Management – This type of change occurs when a change in beliefs, morals of an organization happens. An individual has to learn new characteristics of the firm

Change management is a very interesting field and one can find various change management courses available in the market/internet to know more. There is a lot of competition in the market for market share, the firms which understand the importance of their employees make sure they grasp new things quickly and help in the development of the firm. This article was all about various parts of change management.

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