The value of an IIT supply chain management certification

best supply chain management and analytics courses

The value of an IIT supply chain management certification

Supply Chain Analytics Certification facilitates managing the movement of goods and services. It also deals with meeting customers' needs in a timely and economical way. The demand for Supply Chain Managers is increasing at a high rate and has surpassed other professions. This is because SCM managers are the crucial links for the operations. 

If you are looking to work in a global company that deals with logistics internationally, then the course is the correct train to your destination. This course will equip you with the knowledge of cross-border relations and other aspects of the Supply Chain.

The Supply Chain Analytics Certification at Imarticus will enhance your portfolio to secure a prospective job in the company. With an IIT certificate in Supply Chain Management, you can pursue a top career in roles such as Data scientist, Supply Planner, Supply and operations planner, and Demand Planner. With your basic understanding of operations management and programming, you can further excel in the various course segments. 

What makes IIT certification in Supply Chain Management special?

The course connects Supply Chain Management with Information technology tools such as Machine Learning, Blockchain, and Big Data Analytics. The 6 mega projects offered in the course will give a clear picture of the industry. 

We, at Imarticus, offer one-to-one mentorship with Industry experts who hail from top companies around the world. Our course will also allow you to connect with the multi-national network of professionals who work in the industry and own Logistics companies. This will offer you an opportunity to increase your network of connectivity and simultaneously gain skills from the experts. 

Why do you need Certification In Supply Chain Management?

Suppose you are a business professional who wants to upgrade your knowledge in Supply Chain Management and explore analytics. In that case, it is right to seek more as this course offers case studies that you can perhaps relate to your job. 

On the other hand, if you are a student who has a keen eye for creating sustainable supply chain solutions through data analytics, then this course would sharpen your skills. The course would enhance your potential and give you both theoretical and practical knowledge. 

Supply Chain Analytics Course Training will help you learn and experience the analytics role and the dynamics of SCM analytics. You will learn to work with SCM data and get practical exposure to analytics techniques and tools. On completion, you'll have theoretical and practical skills to efficiently conduct analytics and optimisation to meet your organization’s SCM needs.

What kind of concepts would be covered in the course?

The course will help you understand the key role of analytics in Supply Chain Management and the current dynamics related to the industry. The course would give you a brief insight into Cognitive analytics, prescriptive analytics, predictive analytics, and Descriptive analytics.  

  • The Bullwhip-effect
  • Risk-pooling
  • Supply Chain Design 
  • Just-in-time Planning and Control
  • Supply Chain coordination 
  • Project management techniques
  • Real-time route optimization

If you have the right set of tools in the SCM and think that there is a lot to explore, then you simply have to visit here.

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