FinTechTechnology How did Fintech do in 2018 in India? Just like the previous two years have been, 2018 was a big year for the Fintech industry in India. This…ImarticusDecember 21, 2018
Finance Are Fintechs Really An Enabler For The Traditional Banks Fintech or Financial Technologies is the new branch of technology that aims to improve and automate the delivery of financial…ImarticusDecember 20, 2018
Finance Should You Do Masters in Fintech or Digital Marketing? Why? Fintech and Digital Marketing are the latest buzzwords in new professions. These are coming-of-age roles ushered by the advent of…ImarticusDecember 17, 2018
FinTechFinance Are Fintechs Really An Enabler For The Traditional Banks Fintech or Financial Technology is the new branch of technology that aims to improve and automate the delivery of financial…ImarticusDecember 14, 2018
Finance How to Start a Career in the Blockchain? In the past three years, blockchain has presented itself as the next generation solution for many of the problems faced…ImarticusDecember 13, 2018
Finance The Skills You Need To Excel In This Fintech Era! Nowadays, our financial sector has been witnessing the digital evolution, and as a result, the era of FinTech has begun.…ImarticusDecember 13, 2018
FinTechFinance What Makes A Good Fintech Lab? Fintech labs or companies which come into existence with the sole vision of providing easy financial access to people across…ImarticusDecember 10, 2018
Finance 10 Easy Ways To Facilitate Innovation In Fintech Fintech is being touted as being ready for disrupting and has a lot of financial investments riding on its back.…ImarticusDecember 3, 2018
FinTechFinance How Is Fintech Disrupting Traditional Banking? One of the common buzzwords that seem to have taken over the banking industry off late is Fintech. The word…ImarticusNovember 28, 2018
FinTechFinance How Would You Define Fintech and Blockchain to the Lay Business Person? Two of the most common buzzwords that seemed to have taken over the banking industry were Blockchain and fintech. These…ImarticusNovember 28, 2018