Supply chain management courses on the rise catalyzing blockchain to leverage potential

supply chain management courses by IIT Roorkee

Implementing blockchain technology is a new and promising way to present opportunities to improve the supply chain and related management process of any company. Notably, blockchain is a distributed database that is specifically used for the electronic storage of information that cannot be changed or deleted.

In the supply chain, the implementation of blockchain technology indeed gives it an added boost in order to improve the traceability and transparency in the supply chain as well as to reduce unnecessary administrative costs. 

Blockchain has gained global popularity. Many startups and corporations are also considering venturing into the use of this technology outside the industry of financial services. An example is Provenance, which is a startup specializing in supply chain transparency and finished a 6-month pilot project for keeping a track of the reliable tuna sourcing in Indonesia through blockchain. 

How has blockchain been integrated into the supply chain management system?

Blockchain in the supply chain is still under the experimental stage. And so far, it has helped participants record important relevant information like price, location, certification, date, and quality to efficiently run the supply chain management system. The availability of such information within the blockchain system increases the traceability of the material in the supply chain and reduces the chance of losses. It further enhances the organization's position as a leader in reliable manufacturing. 

Top blockchain in supply chain management courses online

Blockchain will most likely dominate the supply chain industry due to it streamlining the processes involved. This will create a demand for more blockchain developers in the supply management industry. If you are looking for some reliable courses, then here are a few:

Blockchain in supply chain management: In this course, you will learn the ways in which blockchain technology is being implemented in supply chain management to efficiently deliver secure and transparent supply chains. You will be given in-depth knowledge of what blockchain is and how it has been implemented in supply chain management (SCM). You will additionally get to explore actual business use cases where blockchain is applied in SCM. You will be taught the necessary steps for implementing blockchain in your supply chain. 


Certified supply chain professional and blockchain training: Blockchain is a disruptive technology that has been deployed in a multitude of domains to optimize countless processes. Since there is a rising demand for blockchain professionals in the supply chain industry, a special certification is a proof that you are more competent and are sure to have an advantage over others.

This course is designed to guide anyone in creating solutions that can have an impact in every possible facet of the supply chain. It is professional training that deals with providing you with the necessary knowledge of how blockchain can be utilized for increasing revenue, decreasing costs, and improving other factors like quality and production.


Needless to say, there is a rising demand for blockchain developers and experts. And in the coming years, it has the potential to provide prospects to individuals just starting off. A supply chain management career is one of the best fields to venture into and is highly promising with a good amount of job satisfaction. Therefore, if you want a supply chain certification to kickstart your career in the domain, then you can opt for a good supply chain analytics course.

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