Natural Language Processing: The next frontier in data science?

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Natural Language Processing: The next frontier in data science?

What is Natural Language Processing?

Driven by science, the world has advanced beyond solely human interaction. Today it barely depends on humans as much as it depends on automated machines and artificial intelligence. 

Natural language processing aspires to create machines that evaluate, comprehend, and respond to text and spoken data similarly to the manner humans react. This branch of artificial intelligence enables computerized machines to engage in human-like conversations wherein, they have the capability of reproducing text and speech in the same way we can. 

Why is natural language processing the next frontier in data science?

When used in concurrence with other aspects of data science like statistics, deep learning, and machine learning, not only can it comprehend human language be it in the form of speech or text data but can completely evaluate the intent, emotions, and meaning behind it. 

Natural language processing is the core that navigates computer programs and enables even the simplest applications that we use on a regular basis like online translators to translate our text from one language to the other. However, its limitations are far beyond just translation. It can acknowledge and create responses to verbal instructions and assemble a massive amount of text expeditiously. And these functions very much occur in real-time. 

We interact with natural language processing on a daily basis without even being completely aware of it. For Example, verbally operated GPS systems, digital assistants like Siri or Google assistant, speech-to-text features, chatbots to avail customer service, and other functions that have been integrated into our daily lives so effortlessly. 

Learn data science online

As has been rightfully saying, data is the most valuable resource available to the world right now. It helps us make informed and fact-based decisions. With the increase in the market for data scientists, more and more Indians are now looking to upskill and earn certifications and degrees pertinent to this line of work. The demand for PG in data science in India has increased manifold and students are now directing their focus toward learning skills that will help them have a competitive edge. 

Our data science course is headed by KPMG, India’s leading knowledge partner in making real business Capstone Projects accessible to students along with providing video case studies and coaching students to deliver first-class projects only. The course has been devised in alignment with the industry and to ensure higher employability rates. 

The course has been cautiously developed to understand the inner workings of the real-life data science and analytics industry. It helps you obtain and hone the skill set that is a prerequisite in leading data science companies. The curriculum and certification have been designed in a way that is globally recognized and will propel you in your career. 

Data is not a critical element in making business decisions and companies are seeking out data scientists that can add value to the team and recommend innovative solutions to real-time problems. And we ensure that you are the data scientist that they are looking to hire. 

Our data science curriculum includes:

  • Statistics & R
  • Data Science with R
  • Data Science with Python
  • SQL Programming
  • Tableau
  • KPMG in India Capstone Project
  • Job Readiness

Data scientist career

With multiple streams opening up under data science, it is very understandable to get confused. Data scientists are the glue holding the corporate world together and without them, corporates would just get stuck in a maze with no exit point. 

Here are some data science careers you can opt for:

  • Data analyst
  • Research data analyst
  • CRM data analyst
  • Business analytics consultant
  • Predictive analytics expert
  • Data visualization specialist
  • Data mining engineer
  • Machine learning engineer
  • Predictive modeling associate


Whether it is to take important corporate decisions, to evaluate what the company is lacking, the steps that should be followed next to overcome serious challenges, or even something as significant as how to expand the business, having data scientists in the team who can provide valuable insights is a necessity now. 

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