Ethical Hacking- A Growing Career Prospect

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Last updated on June 9th, 2023 at 06:45 am

In today's technologically evolved world, cybersecurity is of topmost priority for individuals, governments and businesses. With the growing risk of cyberattacks, there is a greater need for competent individuals to secure computer systems and networks from unwanted activity. 

Ethical hacking, often known as penetration testing, has been a rapidly growing employment field in recent years. 

This article focuses on the question "What is ethical hacking?" and its importance in protecting digital assets. We will review the potential careers in this industry and the qualities needed to succeed as an ethical hacker.

What is ethical hacking?

Ethical hacking entails authorised efforts to infiltrate computer systems and networks to pinpoint weaknesses and evaluate their level of security. It is crucial for businesses to actively seek out and address shortcomings in their digital infrastructure. Those who perform this type of work, commonly known as penetration testers, use their abilities to uncover possible vulnerabilities and offer suggestions for strengthening security protocols.

Career opportunities in ethical hacking

The demand for ethical hackers has been continuously rising across various industries. Financial firms like banks and payment processors recognise the need to safeguard sensitive financial data and frequently hire ethical hackers to maintain system security. Ecommerce marketplaces, data centres, cloud computing firms, entertainment corporations, media suppliers, and SaaS (Software as a Service) firms all rely on ethical hackers to protect their digital assets.

Roles and responsibilities of an ethical hacker

Ethical hackers, also known as white hat hackers or penetration testers, play a crucial role in strengthening the security of computer systems and networks. Here are some of the key roles and responsibilities of an ethical hacker:

  • Ethical hackers assist organisations in evaluating their security flaws and building mitigation methods by conducting supervised attacks. 
  • They are responsible for carrying out extensive vulnerability assessments on computer systems and networks. They highlight potential entry points attackers could exploit, such as unpatched software, weak passwords, or misconfigurations. They offer organisations insights into their security status and recommendations for improvement through rigorous assessments. 
  • Documenting their findings and compiling detailed reports is one of the most important obligations of an ethical hacker. They describe the detected vulnerabilities, the methods applied to exploit them, and the possible consequences of those vulnerabilities. Ethical hackers also offer remediation recommendations, such as particular methods and best practices for improving security. 
  • Cybersecurity is a continually evolving topic, with new threats and attack strategies appearing daily. Ethical hackers must constantly upgrade their knowledge and stay current on the most recent hacking tactics, tools, and trends. To improve their abilities and keep ahead of potential risks, they must continually study and attend relevant conferences, workshops, and training programmes. 
  • Ethical hackers must diligently follow ethical norms and legal frameworks. They receive written permission from the organisation or individual being tested and work within clearly defined engagement scopes. Ethical hackers prioritise system and network security while retaining integrity, confidentiality, and privacy. Unauthorised activity or system hacking without sufficient authority is both unlawful and unethical.

Skills required to become an ethical hacker

To excel in the field of ethical hacking, professionals must possess a diverse set of technical skills and knowledge, some of which are mentioned below:

    • Programming and scripting: Ethical hackers should be familiar with various programming languages like Python and C++ and scripting languages like PowerShell. Knowledge of scripting languages is particularly valuable for writing scripts to exploit vulnerabilities or automate testing processes. 
    • Networking knowledge: Familiarity with network protocols, the TCP/IP stack, subnetting, routing, and network devices such as routers, switches, and firewalls is an essential skill. Understanding network scanning and packet analysis is also necessary for evaluating network security.
  • Operating systems: Ethical hackers should be fluent in several operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and macOS. They should know system administration activities, command-line interfaces, and operating system security features. Understanding how various operating systems manage user authentication, file permissions, and access controls is critical for uncovering flaws.
  • Web technologies: Ethical hackers need to know web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and vulnerabilities like XSS and SQL injection to identify and exploit weaknesses in web applications. 
  • Cryptography: Ethical hackers must have an understanding of cryptography, including encryption algorithms, hashing, digital signatures, and secure communication protocols. This knowledge is essential for evaluating the security of cryptographic implementations and finding potential weaknesses in encryption algorithms.
  • Security tools and technologies: Among the various tools an ethical hacker should be familiar with are Nmap, Wireshark, Metasploit, Burp Suite, and vulnerability scanning tools. Understanding defence mechanisms and identifying their limitations requires knowledge of intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDS/IPS), firewalls, and antivirus software.


The need for ethical hackers is multiplying as the digital world expands. Cyber attacks pose increasing risks, and proactive cybersecurity measures are becoming more valuable to all industries. By choosing a career in ethical hacking, professionals can significantly impact the fight against cybercrime while enjoying a challenging and rewarding career path.

Imarticus’s Advanced Certification Program in Cyber Security can be the starting point for individuals seeking a career in ethical hacking. Visit the website for further course-related details.

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