Data analysis with Tableau: Things you need to know

Power BI future trends of 2022-2023

Tableau is one of the best tools for data analysis, data visualization, and business intelligence. The dynamic visualizations and the interactive dashboards in Tableau help companies gain crucial insights as quickly as possible. One of the main aspects of data analysis is to analyze trends and patterns. Tableau’s great visualizations, graphs, charts, plots, etc. make it easier to identify relationships from data. 

The point of data analysis is to help in gaining business intelligence and then tell stories in a cognizable format. Reports, dashboards, and visualizations created by Tableau do just that. More than anything, there are a vast number of visualizations, designs, functions, formats, and customizations that you can choose from. 

Working in Tableau is as simple as choosing the data source, choosing the visualization, customizing the specifications, and in the very next minute your visualization is ready. Tableau uses a drag-and-drop style of user interface and this makes working with this great data analysis tool faster and simpler. 

Why Tableau?

If not the best, Tableau is currently one of the best software for business intelligence and data analytics. It is a trusted software in this domain and it is easy to shift to for people who are using Microsoft Excel. Like Microsoft Office, now Tableau too has an ecosystem or a suite of products. Tableau is acquired by Salesforce now, making the software highly compatible with other products offered by Salesforce such as their cloud computing solutions and CRM software. Tableau also has all the important functions that you can carry out in Excel. As a matter of fact, Tableau can do so much more. 

Here is why you should definitely choose Tableau over most other data analysis or analytics software:

  • Tableau is a leading product with many other complimentary Tableau products such as Tableau Online, Tableau Mobile, Tableau Server, and Tableau Reader.
  • Frequent upgrades and a fast-evolving business intelligence tool.
  • Easy to learn with a proper learning path.
  • Analyze data for making data-driven business decisions.

Important Things You Should About Tableau

The first thing that we all should be aware of is the fact that there are many Tableau products we can choose from for data visualization or analysis. If you wish to use Tableau for your personal or individual use, you can use Tableau Desktop while Tableau Server is recommended for organizations and for collaboration, in general. 

Tableau Online is also another light tool for business intelligence while Tableau Readers allows users to read files saved with the help of Tableau Desktop. Tableau Public is another free option for users who wish to publish or upload data, feedback, and visualizations online.

There are many features in Tableau that you should definitely know about. Here are some:

  • With Tableau, you can use different datasets in formats such as. TXT, .CSV, and many more. You also get the opportunity to connect databases and big data queries as well. Tableau supports data from various different sources and platforms, which makes this tool very compatible and easy to work with.

  • Tableau is capable of functions such as custom SQL, data blending, and working with Google Analytics as well. Tableau also additionally infers the data type through symbols next to variables.
  • Tableau is capable of representing data with various formatting, views, and drill-downs. You can also apply various filters, create sets or groups and generate forecasts or trend lines.

  • This tool also automatically adjusts the most optimized format for the selected measures and dimensions by activating the most compatible views for the worksheet. It is very easy to simply drag variables to these views for them to show in the main visualization.


If you wish to learn data analysis with Tableau, a solid post-graduate program in data analytics will definitely help you out. Additionally, in order to prepare yourself for being industry-ready, you can choose a reputed data analytics course with placement.

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