Building A Data Science Portfolio From Scratch

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Building A Data Science Portfolio From Scratch

Data Science is one of the most popular fields of work, especially among the millennials and Gen Z. But what is it exactly? Well, it is the field of study of tons of data to extract meaningful information for efficient and effective decision-making.

If you aspire to be a data scientist, it is important for you to understand two things really well. Firstly, you should be a master of your skills be it programming languages, use of statistical methods, or data visualisation, you should know all of these in and out. 

If you are looking for a short-term online course, which will help you upskill and enhance your knowledge base, come join our Certificate Program in Data Science and Machine Learning with iHUB DivyaSampark @IIT Roorkee.

Besides learning the concepts and methodologies of data science, you must also focus on building a strong portfolio of your work in the domain. Unlike management and engineering professionals, creating a resume is not enough to get your desired data science job.

You must have a strong portfolio of your projects and overall profile so that you can stand out among millions of other applicants. As part of our data science online training, we also teach you how you can build an impressive profile for yourself from scratch along with grooming you for mock interviews! So, what are you waiting for? Come join us today and take the first step toward your bright data science future.

Tips to Build An Awesome Data Science Portfolio From Scratch

Following are some of the tried and tested strategies that you can make use of to build an amazing data science portfolio - 

  • Let Your Portfolio Reflect Your True Passion

It is often said that you should fake it till you make it. But, that’s not advisable when it comes to your work portfolio. Mentioning projects and interests in your portfolio which look fancy but fail to inspire you does not help get the job you really want. 

Your portfolio must be authentic. It should capture who you want to be and the projects you like or wish to work on in the future. You can do this by walking recruiters through your journey in the field, and what inspired you to enter the data science space. 

  • Highlight Your Strong Technical Understanding

Data Science is all about how well you understand all the technical concepts and implement them to solve real-life problems. You must mention all the data science certification courses completed by you along with the projects you have worked on, highlighting the specific techniques of which you made use. 

There are two important things which you must remember in this regard. Firstly, don’t clutter your portfolio with all the ML techniques and projects which you have worked on, mention only the important ones. The second thing which you must keep in mind is that you must customize this section as per the requirements of the job you are applying for. This helps you grab the attention of the recruiter and rank among relevant profiles.

  • Show Off Your Communication Skills

In order to solve complex real-life problems as a data scientist, you must possess good communication skills so that you can effectively translate the identified data insights to the leadership so that they can make key strategic decisions. Thus, you must showcase how good you are as a communicator. 

You can do so by mentioning narratives along with your work samples. Highlighting your strong communication side also helps recruiters understand how you approach problems and infer data to solve them.

  • Limit the Length of Your Portfolio to One Page

While creating a work portfolio, think like a recruiter who has tons of applications and profiles to go through. Keep the portfolio short in length, but to the point to ease the job of the recruiter by bringing their attention to the qualities and skill set they are looking for.  While doing this, ensure that your portfolio is well organised and categorised to speed up the screening process.

Take Away

Your work portfolio is like your first impression for the recruiter who can be offering you your dream data science job. Thus, it is important to get this first impression right by creating a stunning portfolio that highlights both your technical and non-technical skills. Your portfolio should mirror your capabilities, knowledge base, and your zeal for the role. 

Still unsure how to go about it? Feel free to contact us through chat support, or just visit our nearest training centers in Mumbai, Thane, Pune, Chennai, Bengaluru, Delhi, and Gurgaon. We are always happy to help you!

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