High Ticket Sales vs. Low Ticket Sales: Definition, Examples and Best Practices

best sales and marketing course

Last updated on August 21st, 2023 at 04:53 am

Achieving business success can be difficult despite the wide availability of sales and marketing strategies. Overlooking the potential benefits of minor adjustments in marketing strategies leads to unnecessary challenges for entrepreneurs looking to scale their businesses. Optimised marketing and sales strategy can ultimately lead to effortless growth and a higher ROI. 

Two frequently considered business models are high ticket and low ticket sales, each with advantages and challenges. Understanding the differences between these models is vital to make informed decisions driving growth and achieving financial goals.

So, which business model holds the key to scaling a business? 

This blog will describe high ticket and low ticket sales in detail, offer illustrative examples, and discuss how a sales & marketing leadership programme can help elevate a business’s overall marketing strategy.

Understanding High Ticket Sales and Low Ticket Sales

High ticket sales refer to luxury products or services sold at premium prices. These items typically cost over $1,000 and require personalised attention, follow-up, and longer sales cycles. While high ticket sales offer advantages like higher profit margins, increased brand prestige, and deeper customer relationships, they also have drawbacks such as longer sales cycles, a smaller customer pool, and higher risk.

In contrast, low ticket sales involve cheaper products or services with a price tag under $100. These sales require less effort from the seller, resulting in quicker sales cycles and a larger customer pool. Low ticket sales offer advantages like a more extensive customer base, lower risk, and faster sales cycles. However, they have lower profit margins, limited prestige, and often result in more transactional customer relationships.

Which is the Best?

Considering your target audience, strategy, and revenue goals is crucial when deciding which approach is better for your business. 

High ticket sales work best for businesses with higher profit margins, exclusive positioning, and personalised customer relationships. They are ideal for catering to a niche market willing to invest in premium products or services. 

On the other hand, low ticket sales are more suitable for businesses looking to reach a broader customer base, achieve faster sales cycles, and offer more affordable options. They work well when targeting price-sensitive consumers and focusing on high-volume sales.

The choice between high ticket and low ticket sales depends on the business goals, target market, and value proposition of the products or services. Some businesses can even adopt a hybrid approach, offering a mix of high and low-ticket items to cater to different customer segments and maximise revenue potential.

High Ticket Sales vs Low Ticket Sales 

High Ticket Sales Low Ticket Sales
Definition Includes high-cost and luxury products/services usually sold for high prices Includes cheap products/services with comparatively lower price tags
Price Range Usually over $1,000 Usually under $100
Customer Pool A smaller pool of potential buyers due to a higher price range A larger pool of potential buyers due to a lower price range. Mainly impulse buyers
Profit Margins High (80-150%) Comparatively low (20-40%)
Risk Higher risk Lower risk 
Sales Cycle Longer sales cycle as it requires more consideration from customers. Shorter sales cycle as it requires less consideration.
Inventory Replenishment Rate Comparatively low as they sell few ‘expensive’ items Comparatively high as they sell a lot of ‘cheap’ items
Brand Upliftment Elevates brand to a more exclusive level, appealing to high-end customers May not carry the same level of brand value to its customers
Customer Relationships Requires more attention and personalisation, leading to deeper customer relationships More transactional relationships with customers
Revenue Impact Each sale can result in a significant revenue boost. More sales are needed to achieve the same revenue boost.
Suitable For For a scalable online business and ideal for higher revenue goals Easier to start and operate and suitable for mass sales
Competitors Industry best, bigger companies  Numerous small and big companies

Low Ticket vs High Ticket Sales - Best Practices

Follow these best practices for effective implementation of high ticket sales and low ticket sales:

High Ticket Sales

  • Identifying the target audience: Define your buyer persona and gain a clear understanding of their motivations, pain points, and needs. It will help customise your approach and establish connections with potential high-value clients.
  • Building your reputation: Establish your expertise and reputation in online groups and communities relevant to your industry. Engage in valuable conversations and position yourself as a trusted authority.
  • Filtering prospects: Use strong filters to focus your efforts on qualified leads with the potential to become high-value clients. It will save considerable time and resources.
  • Empathy and relationship building: Approach high ticket sales with empathy and prioritise building relationships over immediate sales. Understand the client's needs and provide personalised solutions.
  • Follow-up: Implement a follow-up process to nurture relationships and stay top-of-mind with potential clients. Persistence and consistent communication can help close high-ticket deals.
  • Training your team: Equip your sales team with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively engage with high-value clients. Provide training on consultative selling and relationship-building techniques.
  • Focus on nurturing: Once a high-ticket sale is made, prioritise nurturing the relationship with the client. Offer exceptional service and support to ensure client satisfaction and foster loyalty.

Low Ticket Sales:

  • Value proposition: When marketing low-ticket sales, it's crucial to highlight the value and benefits your products or services offer. Communicate how they fulfil customer needs.
  • Effective marketing channels: Opt for marketing channels like email, organic search, and social media to generate leads efficiently for your low-ticket offerings.
  • Addressing customer concerns: Identify and resolve potential customers' doubts or worries about your low-ticket offerings. Provide reassurance and emphasise your products or services’ value and quality.
  • Customer satisfaction: Showcase testimonials or case studies from satisfied customers who have chosen your low-ticket offerings. Highlight the positive experiences and outcomes.
  • Upselling opportunities: Explore possibilities for offering additional products or services to low-ticket customers, increasing their overall spending and potentially introducing them to higher-ticket offerings.
  • Streamlined sales process: Streamline the sales process for low-ticket offerings, minimising friction and ensuring a seamless and user-friendly purchasing experience.
  • Scalability: Focus on the scalability of your low-ticket sales model by automating processes and leveraging systems to handle larger volumes of transactions efficiently. 
  • Diversify revenue streams: Consider diversifying your revenue streams by offering complementary low-ticket products or services that align with your target audience's needs and interests.


Entrepreneurs can succeed in sales strategies by developing leadership skills and understanding effective sales and marketing techniques. Excel in sales and marketing roles and focus on leadership development with Imarticus Learning’s Executive Management Programme in Sales & Marketing Leadership, offered in partnership with IIM Lucknow. This IIM L executive programme provides a comprehensive understanding of sales and marketing principles, helping professionals transition to leadership roles. 

For more information, visit Imarticus Learning today!

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