An Auto Driver’s Understanding of The Value of Digital Marketing!

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Last updated on March 22nd, 2024 at 07:45 am

When digital marketing came into existence no one really understood its actual potential until recently. But an auto driver in Chennai, Samson, had found this potential way back in 2006 when a British Pilot helped him set up his own website where people can book his services- yes, book an auto ride over the internet.

It may sound surreal but this school dropout opened a new chapter on the better understanding of online marketing out of his curious mind and sheer determination to learn something new!

Auto rides turned digital!

After getting too many foreign customers for his auto, he slowly started learning to speak English. He was also curious to find out what the internet is all about after a regular customer of his frequented an internet cafe. That curiosity changed his life. Not only did he learned more about the internet and email, but also made it to use later by opening his own website.

He was already getting a lot of customers by word and recommendations but opening the website opened up new opportunities where people can easily book a ride way ahead and even over an email to enjoy the city while they visit.

Tuktastic- his website, now provides auto ride booking, suggestions, and information regarding the city of Chennai, actual feedback from his customers, a picture gallery, and much more. It couldn’t get any more professional than that.

If he can, so can all

Contradictory to the common notion that Information Technology is tough to understand, the fact is, its applications are user-friendly and quite usable by all. This friendliness is what helped Samson to expand his business.

best digital marketing courses in IndiaKnowingly or unknowingly, Samson’s efforts helped many others to get into this online marketing business to help improve their efforts and find success.

Nowadays, there are several platforms that help start an online business or expand a business online without much effort. Most of the background work on the technology end would already be done for them.

The new-age marketing strategy

The advancement in technology where people started carrying every useful device in their purse or pocket, opened up new ways of marketing that have a better reach than the posters and ads on the television. Since a majority of the population are constantly online through their smartphones, reaching them by email or websites is just a piece of cake.

This is exactly what Samson realized and utilized to make progress with his business. He expanded his business alright, but he also started making money through ads and banners running on his websites. This move proved t be useful for him as well as for other startups who could not find the revenue to pay fr the high-rated ads on TV. Online marketing has helped him improve his business and increase his income by staying right where he is.

Inspiration for others!

Inspired by Samson, now there are several other auto drivers who have improved their business through the help of technology. Some have started using apps of their own to attract customers and others simply added new technology in their rides to improve the trips convenient for the customers.

If you happened to find auto rides that offer free WiFi and an Ipad or tablet for the customer’s entertainment, don’t be surprised. The technological improvement in the autorickshaws and automobile industry, in general, should be eye-opening for all who want to do something to improve their business.

Wrapping Up

In order to be successful with online marketing, you need to understand the dynamics of the market and get a clear picture of what you want to achieve. Once you have these basic facts, it is just a matter of finding the right partner to host your website and move forward to start a new chapter with the business or ventures.

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