5 mistakes to avoid while working with Tableau

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5 mistakes to avoid while working with Tableau

Tableau is a powerful data visualization tool that can help you make better decisions and improve your business. But what is a tableau, and why is it so important?

Its business intelligence software allows you to see and understand data in new ways. For example, tableau can easily create stunning visuals that help you see patterns and trends in your data. This can be extremely helpful in making decisions about your business.

Learn Tableau, as it can help you answer questions like:

-What are the most critical trends in my data?

-Which parts of my data are most important to me?

-What conclusions can I draw from my data?

Tableau can also help you create visual representations of your data that are easy to understand and share with others.

It is very user-friendly, even for people who are not data experts. This is because tableau makes it easy to connect to data sources and create beautiful and informative visuals.

Using tableau in decision support includes quickly and easily visualizing data, understanding relationships within it, identifying trends and patterns, and assessing risks and opportunities. Tableau can also be used in planning processes by helping managers see how individual decisions may impact the organization as a whole.

Before you get started, keep the following pointers in mind

5 mistakes to avoid in tableau

  1. Making too many forecasts – Tableau is a data visualization tool, not an investment modeling or forecasting tool. As such, don’t over-forecast your data or try to model every outcome in your dataset. Your table will become cluttered and less effective overall. Instead, try to focus on one or two key metrics you want to analyze while leaving the rest of the data untouched.
  2. Focusing exclusively on numeric values – Tables ensure powerful visualizations. Still, they can be incredibly misleading if they rely only on numerical values without other supporting information (e. g. labels, visual representations). Instead, try to use other visualizations (e.g., bar charts) and data types (text, pie charts) to help supplement your table’s information and better communicate your findings.
  3. 3. Ignoring axis labels – Tableau will automatically create column headers based on the names of each field in your dataset. Still, you can also add additional text labels to make the axes more visible and easier to understand. Label every axis, so everyone who looks at it understands what they see.

The problem with ignoring axis levels is that it can make it difficult to understand how the data relate. For example, if you have two axes (say, Sales and Cost), it's easy to see which column corresponds to which axis by looking at the labels on the y-axis (Sales) and x-axis (Cost). However, if you only have one axis level (say, Country), it's much harder to see which column corresponds to which axis.

  1. Not linking fields – When two or more fields in a dataset are related (e.g., a column that is the result of grouping multiple fields), Tableau will create a link between them so that users can quickly see how those fields are related. Make sure you add appropriate links between your data fields so that readers can see exactly what information is displayed in each cell.
  2. Creating duplicate data – One common mistake table creators make is to include duplicate data within their tables - copying the same values across different cells or even across other rows and columns. This duplication can be visually unpleasing and make it more difficult for readers to understand your data and make informed decisions. Remove any duplicate data from your tables before you upload them to Tableau.

Overall, Tableau is an incredibly powerful tool that can help you boost your business. If you haven't already started using tableau, now is the time. Learn Tableau

Imarticus Learning offers a postgraduate data analytics program that covers all the concepts of Tableau to help you get skilled. Click Here to know more about it.

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