Marketing Through Google Ads vs. Marketing Through Facebook and Instagram

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Last updated on April 1st, 2024 at 11:07 am

Digital marketing is the key to boosting the popularity and sales of goods and services offered by business organisations. Business organisations make extensive use of social media platforms to engage in digital marketing. 

One of the most prevalent forms of digital marketing is affiliate marketing. In affiliate marketing, companies offer a generous commission as compensation to third parties to generate leads for the promotion of the company’s goods and services. Most forms of digital marketing, including affiliate marketing, involve the use of Google, Facebook, and Instagram to generate more traffic for the company’s website.  

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Advertising the goods and services of a company on Google or social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram may vary slightly from each other. Read on to know more about the subtle, yet significant differences, between Google ads and Facebook and Instagram ads.

What is Google Ads?

Google Ads refers to the online program for advertisements launched by Google. Google ads allow the user to create online advertisements curated for the people who view the advertisements. Google Ads helps in promoting business, increasing traffic volume, boosting sales of goods and services, and spreading awareness about the company. The company can administer the Google Ads account online by creating and modifying the ad campaign configuration, including budget, settings, and advertisement text, at any hour of the day. Google Ads help with boosting sales, conversions, and leads.

Digital marketing, or affiliate marketing, through Google Ads usually operates according to the PPC (Pay per Click) model. The digital marketer selects a particular keyword available on Google and then competes against other digital marketers by bidding on the keywords. The maximum bidder wins, and then the advertisement is made payable as per the maximum bid amount. Google takes the bid amount into consideration to generate a Quality Score. A high-value Quality Score indicates the online advertisement’s high ranking.

Most business organisations adopt the following strategies to create and operate Google Ads:

  • Place high amounts of bids on keywords that are directly related to the goods and services of the company's brand.
  • Make investments in remarketing ad campaigns to capture the interests of people in different stages of the purchase journey.
  • Optimise the product feed through Google Ads to enhance brand visibility.

What are Facebook and Instagram Ads?

Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram allow companies to promote and sell their goods and services to users through digital marketing. Business organisations create advertisement campaigns based on online behavioural patterns, web search histories, interests, and demographics of the users. Facebook and Instagram ads are generally in the formats of videos, carousels, reels, and photographs. The commercials created by Facebook and Instagram Ads programs operate on the basis of the PPC model.

Posting advertisements on Instagram and Facebook allows the company to keep track of the detailed analytics associated with the ad campaign. Facebook and Instagram Ads allow the user to get access to a wide variety of metrics such as the number of clicks and conversions, reach level, and more. Such metrics allow the company to optimise the ad campaigns and promote the sales of the goods and services of the company accordingly.

Differences between Google Ads and Facebook and Instagram Ads

The objective of Google Ads is to grab the attention of those people who are actively looking out for the particular brand of goods and services associated with a company. Google Ads draws the attention of people towards the brand and pushes them towards direct sales and conversions. Contrary to the mechanism of Facebook and Instagram Ads, Google Ads is engineered to capture prevalent interest in the brand and generate sales accordingly.

On the other hand, Facebook and Instagram Ads are for visually appealing products that look even more engaging when posted in the form of photos and videos. Owing to the heavy emphasis of social media platforms on videos and photos, it is best to advertise beauty and apparel products through Facebook and Instagram Ads. 

Facebook and Instagram Ads are usually preferred by small businesses that post reels, videos, and photos regularly for increasing their target audience reach on a low budget. Google Ads is generally suited for goods and services that are costlier and have a low visual appeal. Products and services that entail an extended purchasing path should be preferably advertised via Google Ads.


There are quite a few differences between Google Ads and Facebook and Instagram Ads. While Google Ads are for companies that seek to promote sales based on existing brand awareness, social media Ads are more suited for spreading brand awareness. However, it takes meticulous research and investment of a great deal of time to determine the right strategy for digital marketing. A comprehensive understanding of the business objectives and target audience is crucial for successful digital marketing via Google Ads or social media Ads.

Nonetheless, companies need to engage in digital marketing through Google Ads as well as through Facebook and Instagram Ads to boost sales and conversions. If you seek to improve your understanding of digital marketing technologies and approaches, then you may avail of the interactive learning opportunity offered by Digital Marketing IIT Roorkee certification with Imarticus.

The MarTech course offered here will enable you to grasp the fundamental and advanced concepts of digital marketing. Digital marketing is taking over the world of e-commerce It is incredibly essential to understand and engage in digital marketing to promote the business and reach out to larger audiences across the globe. Take part in the MarTech course to understand the lucid concepts of digital marketing and start growing your business today.

Enrol your name right away to discover the immense potential and power of digital marketing in the business world. Sign up for the Digital Marketing IIT Roorkee certification course and work on carving a niche for your business through competitive digital marketing.

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