AdMob: Mobile Advertising

best digital marketing course

Last updated on May 23rd, 2024 at 10:36 am

When you download a mobile application from the internet and run it. Do you see advertisements running on the side of the application or on the bottom of the app? If you’ve ever encountered in-app advertisements like the aforementioned, you have experienced the work of ‘AdMob’.

AdMob is a mobile advertising platform that enables developers to run ads within their apps. AdMob was developed by Google and it lets developers generate revenue through their apps using advertisements. This is one of the renowned platforms in the domain of digital marketing.

best digital marketing courses in IndiaIn case you want to become a digital marketer, you have stumbled across the right read. In this article, we are going to delve into AdMob, its history, integration, formats, targeting, as well as revenue generation. Keep on reading to learn more.

History of AdMob

AdMob was founded in 2006 as a mobile advertising startup. It provided ad-serving technology for mobile websites. Google acquired AdMob in 2009 for $750 million. AdMob expanded under Google, offering advanced targeting and ad optimisation. It became a key part of Google's mobile advertising strategy.

AdMob introduced new features like ad formats, targeting options, and analytics tools. It remains a prominent player in mobile advertising, helping developers monetise apps and enabling effective ad reach.


Application developers use the AdMob SDK(Software Development Kit) in order to integrate advertisements into their iOS or Android applications. Here’s an overview of how they do it:

  1. Firstly, they register on AdMob and set up their application.
  2. Next, they download the AdMob SDK and add it to their development environment.
  3. Now, they create ad units in the AdMob dashboard for specific ad placements.
  4. After that, they insert the SDK code and ad unit IDs into the app's code.
  5. When all of the above is done, they customise the ads' appearance to match the app's design, test the integration and deploy the app.


Below are the advertisements that the AdMob platform offers:

  • Banner Ads: They are rectangular small ads that appear at the top or bottom of the screen.
  • Interstitial Ads: These are full-screen ads that show between app screens.
  • Rewarded Video Ads: These are full-screen video ads that offer rewards for watching. They often have a timer after which you can skip the advertisement.
  • Native Ads: These are ads designed to blend with the app's content.


AdTargeting is a key feature of AdMob that enables advertisers to deliver targeted ads. It offers various targeting options, including:

  • User Demographics: Advertisers can target ads based on user demographics such as age, gender, and language preferences. This allows them to tailor their ads to specific audience segments.
  • Interests and Behavior: AdMob leverages user interests and behaviour data to serve ads that align with users' preferences and past interactions. By understanding user behaviour, advertisers can deliver more relevant and engaging ads.
  • Location Targeting: AdMob provides location-based targeting, allowing advertisers to deliver ads based on users' geographic location. This enables businesses to target specific regions or cities with localised offers or promotions.
  • Contextual Targeting: AdMob supports contextual targeting, where ads are matched to the content or context of the app. By analysing the app's content, keywords, and user engagement, AdMob delivers ads that are highly relevant to the app's context, improving user experience.
  • Remarketing and Custom Audiences: AdMob offers remarketing capabilities, allowing advertisers to target users who have previously interacted with their app or website. Additionally, advertisers can create custom audience segments based on specific criteria to reach more specific user groups.

Revenue Generation

Developers earn revenue through AdMob in various ways:

  • Cost Per Click (CPC): Developers earn money when users click on these ads.
  • Cost Per Mille(CPM): This is the revenue generated on the number of ad impressions (per 1,000 views). So if you’re a developer who enables advertisements and it is viewed by 1000 users, then you get a certain amount of revenue.
  • Cost Per Acquisition (CPA): This is the revenue that is generated when users perform specific actions. These actions include installing another app or making an in-app purchase after clicking the ad.

Developers can choose revenue generation methods that align with their app's goals. AdMob offers performance metrics and reporting tools to track ad performance, including CTR, impressions, earnings, and other relevant data. This helps developers monitor ad effectiveness and optimise revenue generation.


Digital marketing and mobile advertisements have taken today’s world by storm. Almost all service-based and product-based companies are leveraging digital marketing and mobile advertisements to generate revenue.

Running advertisements through services such as AdMob is something that every digital marketer should be familiar with. If you are looking to become a digital marketer then a digital marketing course is something that should actively help you achieve your goals.

This is why Imarticus Learning has tied up with IIT Roorkee to curate a digital marketing course that would guarantee your success as a digital marketer. The Advanced Certification In Digital Marketing And MarTech By IIT Roorkee is an all-inclusive course that runs for a duration of 18 weeks. You will learn from the basics of marketing to the complex topics such as media planning, buying and more. Do not miss this opportunity, enrol yourself in this programme and pave your way to becoming a successful digital marketer.

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