Anticipated SEO Trends in 2024

SEO Trends

Last updated on January 30th, 2024 at 04:23 am

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) continues to change in the dynamic field of online exposure and digital tyranny. As marketers and companies seek better digital footprints and higher online positions, SEO anticipation, adaptability, and innovation become critical.

The ongoing evolution of technology, paired with shifts in internet usage and search engine tactics, continues reshaping the landscape of SEO. Recognising and capitalising on these changes not only defines success but further cultivates the groundwork for enduring online relevance.

Within this in-depth overview, we will navigate across the anticipated SEO trends 2024 that will have a significant impact in the coming years.  

SEO Trends to Leverage

User Experience

Users are irritated by slow, jerky websites, and Google may refuse to crawl your content. In fact, conversion rates can be reduced by up to 20% with a one-second gap between mobile load times.

Google prioritises user experience and is implementing modifications to its evaluations of user experience, known as Core Web Vitals, used to assess your webpage. The current significance of Google's Core Web Vitals lies in determining whether your webpage meets the speed and responsiveness criteria set by Google.

Websites that load quickly are critical for user satisfaction and SEO. Users want pages to load quickly, and search engines favour sites that provide a consistent experience.  

Enhancing your website loading times involves lowering server response time, improving website navigation, reducing render-blocking materials, and downsizing images. Technical SEO, along with content quality, go in hand. Optimise how your site looks on both smartphones and desktops to improve customer experience and make it easier for Google to index your web pages.

Voice Search

As per Statista, voice search through virtual assistants (such as Apple's Siri, Google's Assistant and Amazon's Alexa) will continue to expand in the coming years. As a result, it's important to ensure that your website is optimised for voice-based requests. 

This is particularly relevant because, according to data, 50% of US consumers utilise voice search on a regular basis.

Natural Language Queries & Long-tail Keywords

Natural language searches that mimic human conversation are often utilised in voice searches. To optimise for voice assistants, you need to:

Long-tail Keywords: Instead of using typical keywords, focus on conversation and unique phrases.

Question-based material: Creating material that directly answers the most frequently asked queries by users.

Semantic Search Optimization (SEO) is the process of structuring material to meet natural language inquiries.

Voice-based SEO and Featured Snippets

For reactions, voice assistants frequently use information from the selected excerpts. For optimal results for voice-based SEO, do the following:

Structured Content: Structured content in a way that allows for snippet-friendly responses.

FAQ Sections: Construct compact, information-rich FAQs from which voice assistants can readily extract replies.

Clear, Direct Answers: Make sure your information provides clear answers to frequently asked questions.

Digital Accessibility

Did you know only 3% of the world's internet is accessible to individuals with disabilities, and most entrepreneurs still don't know how to render their web pages accessible? Accessibility isn't presently a direct ranking criterion for Google, but it could be in the future.

Accessible pages boost SEO and foster trust, attracting more business while enhancing the overall customer experience. Check for any overlooked areas using a checklist. Explore more examples of accessible content and consult the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) for additional guidance.

Here are a few suggestions for improving overall visitor knowledge:

  • Include alt-text for images that summarises the image's content. 
  • Closed captioning and subtitles might help you optimise video material. 
  • Make headers and structure components out of HTML rather than graphics. 
  • Include zoom and enlargement features. 
  • Use a computerised accessibility assessment tool like Wave or DYNO Mapper to evaluate the accessibility of your site.

AI-Generated Content

The previous year, AI gained popularity, but none blossomed like ChatGPT, further reflecting the onset of optimised AI-dominated SEO trends in the coming future.

ChatGPT, the most popular user app in history, can help you generate content that looks nearly as if a real person wrote it. Google responded in the month of February 2023 with its own unique AI chatbot, Bard.

Google, on the other hand, continues to try to suppress AI content with its useful content upgrade. This upgrade promotes content that provides a positive experience for consumers, raising the question, "To what level should you use AI?" 

It's simple: accelerate the procedure rather than replace it.

It will be impossible to pass on sparse long-form information supplied exclusively by AI. Rather, employ AI to generate short-form content such as FAQs. Create basic material and fill up the gaps with your own perspectives.

Integrate AI into several stages of your content creation process, like research. AI can also be used to summarise existing material. Transform an existing source of material for various channels.

Featured Snippets and Zero-Click Results

Google frequently displays one result that responds exceptionally well to a search. This is known as a highlighted snippet, a domain currently explored by Google. 

Snippets appear in the search outcomes for 12.29% of search requests. Approximately 30.9% of featured snippets appear at the top of the organic search engine results. Furthermore, two-thirds of searches conducted on Google come to an end with no click, indicating that the battle for zero-click search dominance is on. 

The SERPs will be ruled by featured snippets and zero-click outcomes. Users are also more likely to click on information above the main content because they are able to view a preview of the response.

Here are a few pointers for landing the featured snippet position:

Use relevant keywords: Select relevant keywords. Incorporate your primary keyword, but also explore related terms. Utilise content optimisation tools for suggestions, and exercise your own judgment when incorporating them.

Include headers: Divide the content into segments using H2 and H3 tags. These tags help search engines crawl your content and find areas of interest.

Keep it brief: Keep your content to 40 to 60 words. It may also be beneficial to have a "what is" heading.

Make a list: Lists of featured snippets. In a list of numbers, include approaches, methods, or other pertinent information.

Prepare your content: The closer your output aligns with a featured snippet, the higher the likelihood it will be featured. Whenever possible, incorporate charts, figures, tables, and images.


As innovations continue to shape the ever-changing environment of SEO, the future of SEO strategies will concentrate on a comprehensive approach that combines user experience, high-quality content, and technological optimisation. 

Keywords will remain important, but their application will incline towards natural phrases and contexts, highlighting purpose over exact match terms. The relevance of video and voice search optimisation will rise, as well as the prominence of mobile accessibility. Above all, adaptability and responsiveness to algorithm changes while emphasising user-centric methods will be the cornerstones of effective SEO campaigns.

Curious how to keep up with the changing trends? Instead of going for a specific SEO course, check out the Post Graduate Program in Digital Marketing provided by Imarticus Learning. This program ensures marketing aspirants with the knowledge, accreditation, and skills required for successful careers in the dynamic field of digital marketing.

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