The Importance of Employee Engagement in Organisational Success

global senior management programme

Last updated on July 18th, 2023 at 12:23 pm

Employee engagement revolves around the team’s commitment and enthusiasm toward their work. 

Engaged employees possess a sense of empowerment to immerse themselves in tasks fully, contribute innovative ideas, and foster meaningful relationships with their colleagues. 

They have a profound understanding of the purpose and significance of their work, which ignites a sense of inspiration to embrace new challenges, even in the face of potential setbacks.

Types of Employee Engagement

Differentiating employee engagement into three primary categories requires employing specific strategies to cultivate each type:

Involvement with the organisation

Involvement includes the level of engagement employees have with the entire organisation, encompassing their sentiments towards senior management. 

As a manager, you can establish a positive company culture, and uphold core values, instilling employees with confidence in the business and its leadership to stimulate organisational engagement.

Interaction with supervisors

It pertains to how employees establish relationships and communicate with their immediate managers. 

You can create an environment where team members feel valued, providing constructive feedback and guidance for their growth and accomplishments to improve managerial engagement.

Collaboration with colleagues and shareholders

Collaboration refers to employees' interactions and connections with their coworkers and external partners. 

You can drive this form of engagement by offering opportunities for team bonding, such as engaging in team-building activities and collaborative cross-functional projects.

Levels of Employee Engagement

Highly engaged employees

Highly engaged employees have a strong affinity for their workplace. They feel connected to their teams and hold favourable opinions about the organisation. 

They go the extra mile, serve as brand advocates, and inspire others to perform their best.

Moderately engaged employees

Moderately engaged employees view their organisation in a relatively favourable light. While they like their company, they see room for improvement. 

They may not actively seek additional responsibilities and can underperform due to specific barriers that hinder full engagement.

Barely engaged employees

Barely engaged employees exhibit indifference toward their job and the organisation. They need more motivation and only do the bare minimum to get by, sometimes even less. 

These employees may be considering other job opportunities, posing a high turnover risk.

Disengaged employees

Disengaged employees hold negative perceptions about their workplace. They feel disconnected from the organisation's mission, goals, and future. 

They need more commitment to their roles and responsibilities, potentially affecting the productivity of their peers. It's crucial to address disengagement to prevent its adverse impact.

Factors That Influence Employee Engagement

Level of job satisfaction

Job satisfaction strongly influences employee engagement. Employees who are content with their job are likelier to feel engaged. 

Job satisfaction encompasses various aspects, including:

  • The organisation itself
  • Leadership within the company
  • Colleagues and coworkers
  • The work environment
  • Compensation, benefits, and growth opportunities also contribute to job satisfaction.

Sense of meaning and purpose

Employees who perceive their work as meaningful are more likely to be engaged. 

Employers can enhance employee satisfaction and engagement by:

  • Demonstrating how the employee's role impacts the company's customers positively.
  • Providing career development opportunities, such as counselling and mentorship.
  • Improving training programs for skill enhancement.

When employees find purpose in their work, they are more inclined to commit to the organisation long-term.

Work environment

The work environment, encompassing physical and digital aspects, is vital to employee engagement. 

The considerations include:

  • Atmosphere, climate, and culture within the workplace.
  • Leadership behaviour and attitudes.
  • Digital work environment.
  • Employee behaviour and attitudes.

These factors collectively shape employee engagement, either positively or negatively. 

Employees absorb the work environment, which can impact their motivation and engagement. Building a supportive and engaging work environment is crucial for maintaining high levels of employee engagement.

What Are the Benefits of Employee Engagement?

  • Enhanced productivity: Engaged employees demonstrate increased commitment and communication, fostering a positive work environment that fuels productivity and pride in their contributions. 
  • High customer satisfaction: Engaged employees who interact with clients exude passion, resulting in better customer experiences and improved customer retention. 
  • Heightened employee retention: Supportive managers and dynamic work environments reduce turnover, retain valuable talent, and promote organisational stability. 
  • Cultivated company culture: Prioritising employee engagement as a core value nurtures a positive work culture, inspiring employees to model good behaviour and contribute to a productive environment. 
  • Stimulated innovation: Engaged employees are more likely to think creatively, driving problem-solving and fostering innovation within the organisation. 
  • The attraction of top talent: Focusing on employee engagement, including respect, inclusivity, and a comfortable work environment, enhances the organisation's ability to attract and recruit valuable talent.

Strategies for Improving Employee Engagement

  1. Develop a clear engagement strategy: Establish objectives aligned with company values to guide employee engagement initiatives and ensure consistency. 
  2. Seek employee feedback: Include employees in the design process and gather their input through surveys, focus groups, or suggestion/feedback boxes to gain valuable insights and enhance engagement efforts. 
  3. Foster an open and authentic culture: Promote open communication and create an environment where positive and constructive feedback is valued, recognising achievements and personalising praise to make employees feel valued. 
  4. Provide career growth opportunities: Offer professional development and growth opportunities to demonstrate support for employees' career aspirations, boosting engagement and retention. 
  5. Prioritise work-life balance: Enhance work-life balance and flexibility to attract a diverse talent pool and improve employee satisfaction, catering to individuals with varying needs and skills. 
  6. Implement initiatives from the start: Engage new hires early by introducing them to company culture, providing information about their first day, encouraging involvement in employee resource groups, and sending welcome packs. 
  7. Maintain momentum: Continuously improve and adapt engagement programs to demonstrate commitment and consistency, avoiding sudden changes that may lead to employee disengagement. 
  8. Make engagement a daily habit: Incorporate engagement strategies into day-to-day operations, including fostering a no-blame culture and emphasising problem-solving to support employees and build trust. 
  9. Establish a culture of ongoing feedback: Encourage open communication and create an environment where employees feel comfortable providing feedback, fostering a sense of value and engagement. 
  10. Get leadership onboard: Ensure leaders are actively committed to increasing employee engagement, as their actions and behaviours set the tone for the organisation and influence job satisfaction.


Investing in employee engagement is a crucial endeavour for any company. The benefits are plenty and diverse. 

Engaged employees bring unmatched passion and dedication. They stay with the organisation for extended periods and strive for excellence, inspiring and uplifting their colleagues in the process.

Kickstart your career by enrolling in Imarticus Learning’s Global Senior Leadership Programme from IIM Lucknow.  

The IIM course for working professionals offers a comprehensive study and provides valuable insights and strategies to maximise employee engagement and propel organisational growth.

Visit Imarticus Learning to learn more about the IIM leadership program

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