Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) Techniques

best digital marketing course

Last updated on May 14th, 2024 at 10:47 am

There is various content all over the internet and it is only increasing day by day. This has generated a competition of engagement among different pages to earn more money. The engagement of a page can easily be enhanced with the assistance of content marketing.

This marketing attracts huge traffic to a page which increases the engagement of the content of that page. A page might have various content like videos, blogs, newspaper articles, podcasts, etc. Content marketing also enhances the finances of the business through several brand collaborations and promotions.

However, bringing traffic to a page is only half of the work that is done by any digital marketing expert. The rest work can be performed only if the team can extract more from its present or current traffic so that the company can sustain itself in the long run. This is only possible with the help of Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO).

Let’s dive in to learn more about Conversion Rate Optimisation!

What is Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO)?

The method of calculating the percentage of new viewers or fresh traffic to a page so that they can fulfil certain actions is known as Conversion Rate Optimisation or CRO. These actions can be liking a post, signing up for the page or purchasing anything from the website. There can be either a high conversion rate or a low conversion rate.

Many factors are responsible for affecting the conversion rate of a page. If a page is wisely designed, is attractive and has a user-friendly format then it is likely that page would receive a high conversion rate. On the other hand, a page can receive a low conversion rate if it has a poor design or a malfunctioning website. 

How to Calculate and Determine a Good Conversion Rate?

Calculating the rate of conversion is extremely simple and requires basic mathematical techniques. In the first step, the number of conversions is divided by the number of viewers or visitors. Subsequently, in the second step, the entire division is multiplied by 100 to extract the percentage.

The final percentage indicates the conversion rate. Here, the meaning of conversion is the desirable actions taken by the viewers.

For example, to calculate the conversion rate of an ebook website, the company should simply divide the total number of downloads by the total number of visitors. Then multiply it by 100.

Importance of Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO)

Conversion Rate Optimisation is one of the crucial traits when it comes to digital marketing or content marketing. This is because it will assist a company to make more money by simply determining its conversion rate. If a page has a high conversion rate it is likely to earn more revenue than those pages which have low conversion rates.


Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) will help a low-rated page to optimise its content so that viewers may have an excellent experience.  It will also conduct continuous examinations to provide users with impressive and attractive content. This will gradually help a page to grow physically as well as economically.

Many companies are adopting Conversion Rate Optimisation to grow and sustain icn this competitive sector. Therefore, online ventures must opt for Conversion Rate Optimisation by considering its benefits.

Where is Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) Used?

There are several real-life niches where a digital marketing expert can enforce Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO). Here are a few niches where this technique can be implemented effortlessly:

  • Home Page: One of the most important niches where CROs can easily work is the home pages. The home page is the main page for any business therefore it must be comprehensive and can be the best guide to further pages.

The conversion rate can be easily increased by simply adding numerous links, chat boxes, sign-up forms, and product descriptions on the home page.

  • Product Pages: CROs can easily be implemented on the product page. This will assist a business to convert its viewers into potential buyers. To achieve this a product page must contain credibility, authenticity, and detailed descriptions of the selling products.
  • Landing Pages: The third most crucial niche where CROs can be executed is the landing pages. It is also considered to be the most influential page that has the potential to convert viewers into customers. As the name suggests, Landing pages interact with and attract viewers in the very first instance.

Viewers can be easily converted into customers if landing pages are optimised appropriately. This will assist to flourish the business further.  

Various Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) Techniques to Enhance the Conversion Rate

There are various Conversion Rate Optimisation techniques. Some of them have been elucidated below:

Blogs encompassing text-based CTAs

To enhance conversion rate through traffic text-based call-to-action (CTA) button acts like a boon. Text-based CTA buttons allow the viewers to carry on with certain actions that the business wants them to.  This will automatically boost the conversion rate and will direct towards the path of a successful online business.

Usage of Lead Capture Pop-ups

Lead pop-ups are another technique for Conversion Rate Optimisation. It is highly attractive and once a viewer clicks on the pop-up boxes it will automatically increase the conversion rate.

A/B Tests should be conducted on the Landing Page

To optimise a landing page businesses can conduct A/B tests. This test will recognise the best content for the new viewers and will increase the conversion rate. 

Making use of Chat Box to Interact with the Customers

The live chat box is another way a business can increase its conversion rate. Chat Box will guide and assist viewers which will automatically increase the activity on the page. This will result in positive growth of the website.


In the present era, it is essential to know about Conversion Rate Optimisation and its techniques before commencing a career as a digital marketing expert. Therefore, Imarticus Learning has brought an online postgraduate programme in digital marketing. This course will incorporate an individual with the essential knowledge and skills.

So without any further delay enrol yourself in this course so that you do not miss out on big opportunities. 

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