What sets IIT Roorkee apart other institutes in terms of cyber security course?

cybersecurity certification course

Last updated on April 5th, 2024 at 10:01 am

The demand for cybersecurity professionals is rising, hence it has become pivotal to do an efficient cybersecurity course from an acknowledged institution. The Internet has been proudly catering to modern conveniences which also has certain drawbacks like being prone to malicious attacks, identity theft, data breaches and financial losses. Thus, the need for a cybersecurity expert becomes a must to safeguard sensitive information from being leaked.

In this article, we are going to discuss in detail how the IIT Roorkee Cybersecurity course is different from others with methods to jumpstart your career in cybersecurity

What is Cyber Security? 

Cybersecurity defends computers, mobiles, electronic systems and networks from malicious attacks by hackers. It acts as a protection against different phishing schemes, financial losses and data breaches. Cybersecurity also aims to strengthen the security measures of the organisation to protect itself from further breaches. Cybersecurity courses consist of tons of networking fundamentals and information security details that are important to learn in these troubled times. 

Significance of cybersecurity

Cybersecurity courses

The need for cybersecurity in the digital world is extremely important. A single security breach from an organisation can result in an immense loss of customer trust. By 2025, an estimate of 10.5 trillion USD will reportedly be lost annually to fight cyber crimes. Global costs would increase by around 15% yearly for the next four years. The points significance of enforcing cybersecurity practices in organisations have been listed below:- 

The Rise of Cyber Crimes 

Cyber crimes are rising at a substantial rate. There are roughly 3500+ cyber attacks daily. To protect the systems from notorious hackers, proper enforcement of cybersecurity measures is important. 

Damaged Caused by the Hackers 

Hackers cause significant damage to the network while attacking them for information. It not only damages the organisation financially, but it also damages the reputation of the organisation. The damages caused by the hackers, sometimes compromise the safety of both employees and customers. 

Help In Building Trust 

The main aim of cybersecurity is to build trust with both customers as well as employees. With cybersecurity measures, people feel assured that their data is secured and can bestow their trust on the brand, services or products. 

Safeguarding Any Form of Vulnerable Information 

Every organisation has their own points of vulnerability. With their evolutions, mergers and growth, the networks of these organisations thus become more complicated. Hence, the maintenance of the networks alongside the sensitive data should be looked after by cybersecurity experts. 

Program Objective of IIT Roorkee Cybersecurity Course

The IIT Roorkee cybersecurity course aims to provide the ultimate education to aspirants who are interested in working with cybersecurity professionals. Here we have listed out the program objectives by IIT Roorkee to pique your interest. 

  • Identifying different vulnerabilities of the security infrastructure in an organisation: As a cybersecurity analyst it is pivotal that you identify your company's weaknesses and later use them as a strength. Learners will understand the prevention of cyber attacks for the organisation and secure their infrastructure. 
  • One can master ethical hacking: Ethical hacking is a dream job for aspirants who have finished the basic degree of cybersecurity course. In this course, the aspirants can master ethical hacking alongside applied network security skills through an interactive learning method. Aspirants will also be well-versed in industry-focused projects which will enable them to understand the application of various cybersecurity tools and technologies. 
  • Campus Immersion program in IIT Roorkee: This campus immersion program with IIT Roorkee would help the aspirants to interact with their peers from different backgrounds and organisations. The campus immersion program provides a platform to perform professional networking. 

Program Highlights by IIT Roorkee Cybersecurity Course 

IIT Roorkee believes in providing a world-class education to aspirants who are inclined to take up a career in cyber security. Here we have listed out the program highlights that make IIT Roorkee unique from other online training courses. 

  • A certification by CEC in collaboration with IIT Roorkee: The reputation of IIT Roorkee is top-notch and hence becomes the dream of many learners to get a certification from a course in this institute. With this certification, you can enhance your job profile with global certification and build a robust career in cyber security. 
  • Learning from the best IIT faculty: IIT Roorkee is known for its impeccable faculty. You will learn from the best faculty in the country through live online sessions and discussions. They will help you to upscale your concepts on cyber security and provide you with hands-on experience for different security procedures. 
  • Campus immersion: One of the main attractions of this course is the campus immersion program. You get to visit the beautiful IIT Roorkee campus and and experience the amazing IIT faculty during this program. 


The cybersecurity course curriculum from IIT Roorkee is elaborate and effective. This is a professional course that is going to help you understand the basics of cybersecurity and also apply this in real life. If you are interested in doing a IIT Roorkee cybersecurity course with placement, check out Imarticus Learning's Advanced Certification Program in CyberSecurity with IIT Roorkee. It is a six-month professional course offered by Imarticus with guaranteed job assurance. For more details, check out the website. 

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