Are MBAs a Thing of the Past?

JAIN MBA online courses

Last updated on May 23rd, 2024 at 10:36 am

If you are interested in enrolling in an online MBA course, but you are not sure if a master’s degree in business administration is what your resume is missing, or if it would even make a difference when applying for a new job, this article is for you.

With the constant evolution that we have witnessed over the last years in all kinds of fields, there are thousands of devices, methodologies, trends, systems, and mechanisms that become obsolete every passing day.

As you probably figured, far from being the exception, education is one of the domains that has been impacted the most by the evolution of technology, which has caused many methodologies and even domains to be considered outdated and with an unpromising future for not having successfully adapted into said evolution.

Are MBAs a thing of the past?

If you are wondering if MBAs have fallen victims to obsolescence due to poor adaptation mechanisms, or if they are no longer an asset for job applicants, the answer is a solid no. Actually, having a master’s degree in business administration is a valuable qualification for students and workers all over the world in almost every field, as this degree is focused on creating and improving abilities such as leadership, time and resources management, apart from business knowledge.

Moreover, between the call for innovation coming from the pass of time, and the inevitable pressure exerted from the Covid-19 pandemic and its numerous effects, MBA programs are rapidly adapting. Not only are they shifting into what many refer to as “future-ready skills” and finding ways to include them within their curriculum and procedures, but the methods for imparting this knowledge are changing as well. Such is the case of online MBA courses and other distance learning programs.

Allowing people who have already integrated the workforce, or those who do not live in the same cities of the best-ranked academic institutions to join their prestigious programs through online platforms is one of the elements that can help you realize MBAs are here to stay.

If this option seems attractive to you, do not hesitate to take a look at the following list with the best online MBA courses, that will help you remain competitive by perfecting your future-ready skills and preparing you for real-world experience.

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