Tools and Techniques to Evaluate Company Performance

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Organisations strive to succeed and maintain a competitive edge in today's expansive business landscape. One crucial aspect that facilitates this endeavour is performance management. By measuring, reporting, and effectively managing progress, organisations can enhance their performance at both individual and corporate levels. Performance management relies on a plethora of tools and techniques that have been specifically developed to facilitate and enhance the evaluation process. 

This article will explore widely used tools and techniques that enable companies to assess their performance systematically. By leveraging these tools, organisations can streamline the evaluation process and gain the insights needed to make informed decisions that fuel continuous improvement.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and metrics are crucial in evaluating performance against strategic goals. Yet, their value lies in fostering meaningful data-driven discussions and enhancing decision-making processes. 

Merely measuring every possible aspect without purpose only creates a façade of effective performance management. Instead, it is imperative to ask critical questions such as, "How will this KPI contribute to achieving our organisation's goals or solving a specific problem?" and "What decisions can be informed by the insights derived from this KPI?" Well-crafted KPIs should act as vital navigational tools, clearly assessing the current performance levels and guiding businesses toward their desired outcomes.

Balanced Scorecard

The balanced scorecard is a management system that translates strategic goals into organisational performance objectives. It goes beyond traditional financial metrics by incorporating additional measures to provide a comprehensive view of performance. It addresses the limitation of financial results in guiding future direction and includes metrics for customer satisfaction and product innovation.

Performance Dashboards

Entrepreneurs and managers rely on performance dashboards, a visual reporting and management tool, to measure the effectiveness of their business across various metrics. By tracking performance, businesses gain valuable insights into critical processes and activities, such as employee performance, customer satisfaction, and marketing campaigns. For example, comparing the effectiveness of inbound and outbound advertising campaigns can guide strategic decision-making. The flexibility of customisable dashboards makes them valuable across diverse industries, including finance, healthcare, and customer service.


Benchmarking compares a company's products, services, or processes against those of industry-leading businesses, commonly known as "best in class." Its primary objective is to identify internal areas for improvement. By thoroughly analysing the practices and strategies of top-performing companies and comparing them to their own operations, businesses can identify opportunities for change that can lead to substantial improvements.

360-Degree Feedback

The 360-degree feedback tool revolves around answering the question, "How do stakeholders perceive the performance of our people?" It offers individuals a comprehensive assessment of their performance, incorporating input from various perspectives such as supervisors, subordinates, peers, customers, suppliers, and more. 

The feedback is collected confidentially and shared with the employee, typically by a manager. The insights derived from 360-degree feedback are commonly utilised for employee training and development. This tool effectively democratises the review process by considering the opinions of multiple individuals rather than solely relying on the assessment of the employee's direct manager.

Employee Engagement Surveys

Employee engagement surveys assess employees' commitment, satisfaction, and motivation level. These surveys provide valuable feedback on organisational culture, leadership effectiveness, communication channels, and work environment. By gauging employee sentiment, organisations can identify factors that impact performance, address concerns, and implement strategies to improve engagement and productivity.

Financial Ratio Analysis

Financial ratio analysis evaluates a company's financial performance by examining key ratios, such as liquidity, profitability, efficiency, and solvency. This quantitative approach provides insights into an organisation's financial health, efficiency of operations and effectiveness in generating profits. Financial ratio analysis enables organisations to understand areas that require improvement, help make informed financial decisions, and ensure long-term sustainability.

SWOT Analysis

SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis is a framework for strategic planning and evaluating a company's competitive position. It assesses internal and external factors, considering both current and future potential.

A SWOT analysis aims to provide a realistic, data-driven evaluation of an organisation, its initiatives, or its industry. It encourages an objective examination by avoiding preconceived notions or ambiguous areas and instead focusing on real-life contexts. Companies should use SWOT analysis rather than rigid prescription as a guiding tool.


Tools, techniques, and processes for managing employee performance are vital for fostering a good work culture. This applies to companies of all sizes and across all industries, as the goal should be to achieve strong performance at different levels of the organisation. These tools empower companies to align organisational strategies and goals, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and driving success. 

To help employees embark on a transformative path of professional growth, companies are encouraged to help their employees seize opportunities that enhance skill sets. This can include pursuing advanced education programs like the online Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA course) program offered by Imarticus. 

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