Resources that will help you with your blockchain engineer certification

best software engineering courses

Last updated on February 17th, 2022 at 09:07 am

As industries continue to evolve, most companies are adopting Blockchain technology for safer record-keeping. Thus, there is a demand for Blockchain engineers who can create solutions specific to the needs of particular businesses. If you wish to become one, you can opt for certification in software engineering from Imarticus Learning. 

What Resources Do You Need to Study Blockchain Engineering?

Students hoping for a Blockchain engineer certification should look for courses that include the use of different resources that will help them build crucial technical skills. Here are the resources that you need for the certification. 

  • Blockchain Architecture and Basics

Suppose you want to gain a certification in Blockchain engineering that will help you land lucrative jobs. In that case, you need to have a clear idea of the basics. It would help if you also showcased expertise in Blockchain architecture. You can focus on whitepapers of various Blockchain platforms and learn about hash functions and more. 

  • Programming Languages

To become a successful Blockchain engineer, you need a working knowledge of programming languages. Therefore, programming languages like Java, C++, Python, Scala, and Solidity. These programming languages are resources for coding and setting up the framework for the technology. 

  • Front-End and Back-End Web Development

This particular resource is more for Blockchain developers than for Blockchain engineers. However, you may need some front-end and back-end web development skills for UIs, API handling, and request handling if these fall under your job description. Companies often value a multitude of related and relevant skills in their employees. Since both Blockchain development and Blockchain engineering are on-demand, it is helpful to learn as much as possible. 

  • Ecosystems

Numerous ecosystems or standards are relevant to Blockchain technology and engineering. These include Ethereum, Quorum, Corda, and Hyperledger, among others. These ecosystems or standards are essential resources to create specific Blockchain solutions for different business processes.

Where Can You Find the Right Resources for a Blockchain Engineer Certification?

The right resources are essential to study Blockchain engineering and develop a successful career in it. Suppose you want to receive holistic training and use the best resources available. In that case, you should choose Imarticus Learning’s Certification in Software Engineering for Cloud, Blockchain, and IoT. We have designed this course in collaboration with IIT Guwahati and the E&ICT Academy.

This IIT BLockchain course will allow you to understand the current developments, learn the implementation of Blockchain technology for better business outcomes, and network with industry professionals. The course includes campus immersion, project work, and interactive sessions.

Thus you can directly interact with peers and academicians and learn technical and soft skills. This certificate course focuses on the basics of software architecture and real-world issues. All essential resources are available, and students can attend live lectures for 8 hours every week to learn more and gain valuable experience. We encourage students to participate in numerous projects and assignments throughout the course.

You will get to work on 6 Capstone projects, all of which are based on recent industry developments and the application of Blockchain engineering. 

This course is suitable for students with a Bachelor’s degree in engineering. You can enroll even if you do not have any prior experience in coding. The certificate course in software engineering with a particular focus on Cloud, Blockchain, and IoT is thus ideal for those who wish to launch a successful career in the industry immediately after graduation. 

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