Why FinTech Seems to be Thriving?

Last updated on December 9th, 2022 at 06:15 am

It seems that the sector of financial technology, which was touted as many as the new kid on the block, has had a fair share of failures. Some of the big guns in this field including OnDeck and Lending Club have reportedly experienced some mighty losses and organisations like CAN Capital stopped lending altogether.

There seem to be a lot of experts and industry pundits, who are all of the collective opinion that “the bloom is finally coming off the rose.” This happens to be a figurative telling of the certain bumps and losses incurred by this field. But a majority are still siding with the silver lining and it may seem that this sector might really be thriving.

The recent events are not news for the FinTech industry, which is because every single industry undergoes them. Regardless of whichever sector it is, the market leaders usually happen to jump to an advantage.

But a majority are still siding with the silver lining and it may seem that this sector might really be thriving. The recent events are not news for the FinTech industry, which is because every single industry undergoes them.

Regardless of whichever sector it is, the market leaders usually happen to jump to an advantage, thus leading to the growth of the industry. Now, that the industry grows, it also multiplies the number of players entering into
the market space.

Some players happen to participate in the distinct competition as their ventures grow and as is the case, some players cannot really make it. It’s the most basic rules of capitalism, where although all entrepreneurs take risks, some may succeed while other may miss the mark.

FinTech is most likely thriving mainly because it happened to extend its capital access, to almost everyone. Per say, there were no discriminations whatsoever as minorities, women, immigrants and all the others who were under served, were provided with a level playing field by technology.

This could not have been a plausible scenario a few decades ago when one could meet a venture capitalist at a cocktail party and get themselves a six figure financing deal. While people who were natives and higher up on the societal runs totally got to benefit from this, those of lesser economic means always struck out.

But today with technology advancing, lenders are able to have accurate data about their potential borrowers. This way the risk factor goes really down and efficiency increases. Similarly, FinTech has begun to take India by storm, by revolutionizing the electronics payment industry.

It cannot be denied that banks are slow when adapting to change which is why it takes a while for FinTech companies to break into the market. But another thing working in favour of this sector is that the investors have short-term goals, thereby they’d want to quicken the process of things while expecting quarterly results.

But most important of all, we cannot overlook the fact that technology has transformed the banking sector thoroughly. Today it is actually possible for a person to never step inside a bank to carry on their personal transactions. We happen to live in a time where you can actually accomplish everything at the click of a button.

With large banking corporations investing in technology to make most of their application processes to go online, there is a sure chance of FinTech not only thriving, but becoming a flourishing business. Many finance aspirants have noticed this and have begun to learn the ropes by taking up training programs, offered by professional training institutes like Imarticus Learning.

Imarticus Learning teams up with leading Global FinTech players to bring to you a first-of-its-kind Global FinTech Symposium. FinTech, or simply put, Financial Technology, is an industry composed of start-ups and established companies trying to replace or disrupt traditional financial processes with the use of technology.

This is an upcoming industry and has the potential to impact every single person and therefore makes it one of the fastest growing areas for venture capitalists. We welcome you to join this FinTech consortium where our panelists from global organizations will share their journey and experience on what it takes to excel in the world of FinTech.

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