Machine Learning A-Z: Hands-on Python and R in Data science

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Last updated on January 20th, 2024 at 05:36 am

R and Python are both equally great programming languages. However, each has its own set of advantages that it offers to the user. For example, when we are talking about development processes or IT operations, Python is always a better option. But when it comes to statistical tasks or analytics, R can prove to be a much more suitable alternative.

This is because R has been created for Statisticians and for statistical projects. Skilled programmers can, however, employ any of the two languages to perform any task. For instance, Python can be used for using statistical techniques like Regression Analysis or Bayesian inference on datasets. Similarly, R can also be used for building new Data Science tools and data models. 

Python is quite easy to learn with simple syntax while R has various language boundaries. One can easily learn Python online with the help of a course. However, R is far superior in graphical and statistical procedures. R is more scientific in nature and will be much easier for statisticians or professionals who have worked with MATLAB, another scientific programming language.

Python is more focused on running algorithms and makes it easy to build programs in general. In Data Science, however, both are equally important and competent languages. R and Python can work with massive databases and are equally good at Machine Learning projects. 

R in Data Science

R is used in Data Science for graphical and statistical purposes. This language can help users create advanced visualizations and high-quality graphics as well as dynamic graphics. R is also great for data mining and statistical computing in general.

R has a set of functions that allows datasets to be loaded into the memory with program statements, but that is only required if you are going to be building R programs that will keep getting used for various functions. Otherwise, you can simply use the data import function in R Studio (IDE for R). R is able to work with data in two different formats in R studio, CSV and TXT. Once you select the dataset you wish to be working with, R will load the dataset and you can then work on it.

Python in Data Science

Python is a high-level programming level that does not require compilation before running code. This makes it very fast to use for all kinds of projects, including Data Science and Data Analytics. Python is extremely flexible and is a multi-paradigm language, thus, allowing Data Scientists to use different approaches and keep improvising the language with extensions and plugins.

Before loading a dataset in Python, you must first import pandas (library) and install them in Python. After that, a custom function must be created that loads the dataset for you. By creating a load_csv function, you can fundamentally provide an argument for your dataset’s file path.

Also, the readlines() are used in order to ensure that the program returns a list containing the lines inside the .csv dataset. You can also additionally present the data in a more visually appealing way by returning the dataset in a data frame format. This makes it easier to view the data as compared to the native list format or NumPy arrays.


Both the languages also are open-source and have huge communities behind them to keep providing new libraries. There are also a good number of updated tools and powerful IDEs (Integrated Development Environments) available for both R and Python.

If you wish to learn Python or R for Data Science, you should definitely opt for a solid Post Graduate Program in Data Science. You can also choose to take up a Machine Learning course with a placement or a Data Analytics course with placement as well. 

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