Deciphering Various Methods of Business Valuation

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Whether you're engaged in buying or selling, financial reporting, or strategic planning, business valuation plays a pivotal role in evaluating a company's worth. Numerous company valuation strategies are employed to ascertain the fair market value of a business, each extending distinct insights into its financial health.

Curious about these business valuation methods? Let's explore.

This article aims to offer you a thorough guide to comprehending various business valuation methods for all entities involved in financial planning.

Methods of Business Valuation

Provided below are some of the most common ways a company can be valued. 

  • Market Capitalization

Considered to be one of the simplest methods for business valuation, market capitalization acts as an impactful indicator of the overall value of a publicly traded company's outstanding shares of stock. The calculation for this is derived from the formula provided below.

Market Capitalization = Current Market Price Per Share * Total Outstanding Shares

Market capitalization is a crucial metric for investors, analysts, and financial professionals as it provides a quick snapshot of a company’s size and relative importance in the financial markets. 

  • Times Revenue Method

The Times Revenue method estimates the value of a company based on its annual revenue. This methodology proves to be especially handy for businesses that might lack positive earnings or a substantial variety of assets but boast a robust revenue flow. It provides a straightforward and speedy way to get a rough estimate, particularly beneficial for start-ups and rapidly growing companies.

  • Discounted Cash Flow

Discounted Cash Flow, also known as DCF analysis, mainly considers the concept of the time value of money. This means acknowledging that a dollar received in the future holds less value than a dollar received today. DCF analysis extends a detailed approach to evaluate the inherent value of a business by considering its estimated future cash flows. To perform this calculation, we apply the formula mentioned below.

Discounted Cash Flow = Terminal Cash Flow / (1+Cost of Capital) # of Years In The Future 

  • Liquidation Value

Liquidation value is another popular business valuation method that estimates the value of a company’s assets. It usually works under the assumption that the business is ceasing operations and selling its assets in an orderly fashion. When using the liquidation value method, quite a few factors come into play. Such include asset appraisal, liabilities, business-specific factors, and market conditions, among others.

  • Book Value

Book value involves assessing the net value of a company’s assets by subtracting its liabilities. This approach provides an overview of the company’s financial position based on its historical cost rather than its market value. It is calculated using the following formula: 

Book Value = Total Assets - Total Liabilities

The book value methodology is often considered to be a starting point for business valuation. However, please note that it has its limitations, especially in industries wherein the value of assets may vary compared to their recorded book values. 

Apart from these, there are several other company valuation strategies used. These include earrings multiplier, enterprise value, and EBITDA, among others. 


Choosing the most appropriate business valuation methods depends on diverse factors, including the industry, the company’s financial structure, and the purpose of valuation. Often, a combination of these methods provides a more comprehensive and accurate assessment of businesses’ value. Therefore, as a business owner, investor, or financial professional, you must carefully consider these methods and look at their advantages and limitations to make informed decisions in the dynamic and competitive business environment. 

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