Can CMA Certification Lead to a High-Paying Finance Career?

cma course

Last updated on July 26th, 2024 at 12:36 pm

Overview of Certified Management Accountants certification

A US CMA certification course is a professional accountant certification. It will teach you a variety of finance-related skills. Post this course you will learn to deal with the accounting needs, decision-making, business analysis and management consulting of a company.

It is an internationally recognised certification that will increase your earning potential. The CMA certification will demonstrate your knowledge and skills to effectively evaluate, interpret and communicate financial information to different audiences.

The US CMA certification will brush up your ability to apply accounting and finance knowledge to real-world business situations. The course is awarded by the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA). The CMA certification will solidify your path to a promising and high-paying career in finance.

Career prospects and future opportunities for US CMA 

The US CMA certificate will reflect your ability to lead and manage the finances of a company. Having a CMA certificate will give you an edge over your competitors in the job market.

Individuals who can pass the CMA exam are considered proficient in applying their skills in finance and accounting in dynamic settings. Here are some of the job profiles you can explore after the completion of the US CMA certification course.

- Business analyst

As a business analyst, you will be in charge of collecting, sorting and developing business strategies from the past data. A business analyst plays an essential role in the decision-making process.

In fact, organisations make every important decision after consulting with the business analyst. A US CMA certification course will definitely help in your business analyst role.

It will add proficiency to your current skill set and boost your confidence to make constructive decisions. The average salary of a senior analyst is around Rs.7,50,000 per year.

- Cost accountant

The cost accountant of an organisation is responsible for looking after the expenditures and purchases of the company. This should be done to keep track of the accounting data. As a cost accountant, you should possess a deep understanding of business strategies.

You should master the skills to organise accounting data accurately in order to make recommendations and suggestions.

The US CMA certification is the global equivalent of the Indian CMA certificate. Thus, you will be able to work as a cost accountant in India after the completion of the course. The cost accountant can earn around Rs.5,00,000- Rs.6,00,000 every year.

- Financial controller 

The US CMA certification with a significant amount of work experience will get you the job of a financial controller. You should possess extensive knowledge and the ability to oversee and take responsibility for all the financial activities in the department.

As a financial controller, you will have to look after the books, conduct internal analysis and suggest and implement important financial decisions. Apart from that, you will also have to take part in several administrative tasks.

This profile expects years of work experience in management accounting. The average per annum salary of a financial controller is Rs.19,00,000 approximately.

- Finance analyst

Simply put, the job of a finance analyst is to gather, sort and analyse data and share their observations. The analyst also makes predictions and forecasts from the data analysis insights.

This helps companies make better decisions. You should also know how to make presentations, excel models and financial reports to present your observations accurately and in a comprehensible way.

You must be updated with the latest trends in the industry and do industry research frequently to stay relevant to new trends. The average earning potential of a finance analyst per year is Rs.5,00,000.

Internal auditor

Internal auditing is an integral process of an organisation. It helps in analysing the business practices and internal controls of the company.

The internal auditor is in charge of evaluating both the business and financial activities of an organisation. It is through this process that companies understand whether the internal controls are adequate. It can also determine if their employees are working in line with the company's requirements. On average, an internal auditor will earn up to Rs.8,00,000 every year.

All these career choices are promising and high-paying. You should explore your interests and inclinations before choosing the right field for yourself.

No matter what field you choose, finance is a rapidly booming sector of the current times. The right skillset and knowledge will definitely land you a desired job in the finance sector.

Key takeaway 

The US CMA certification is a crucial step in the career path of a finance and accounting professional which will take your career to great heights. You can take up a variety of senior financial job roles after the completion of the US CMA certification course.

If you seek more clarity on what is CMA certification and how it can benefit your career in finance, visit Imarticus Learning.

It is an award-winning ed-tech platform that offers US CMA certification courses. Explore our website now to give a boost to your finance career with full confidence.

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