UAE- Addressing Common Challenges in Implementing Corporate Learning Management Systems

Last updated on April 2nd, 2024 at 04:42 am

A survey revealed that 48% of the participants were unhappy with their corporate learning management systems. With every new software, challenges are bound to arise while implementing them. An LMS or learning management system is no different. An LMS is a powerful e-learning tool that helps businesses to train their employees.

Corporate Training

This article will cover some of the challenges with LMS implementation at organisations and their solutions. But, before that, let's see what does an LMS do?

What does an LMS do?

An LMS enables organisations to develop and host engaging online training programs for their employees. The benefits of LMS depend on the perspective of the one using it. To a learner, LMS makes learning easy. They can access the learning material from anywhere and usually, the distractions are fewer. Their performance will be tracked and proof of achievements will be recorded.

As for the organisation providing the training, they can track their employees' performance. Based on the data, they can analyse the strengths and weaknesses of their employees. They can motivate their workers and give them advice for improvement in areas they lack.

However, LMS is also a tool and may come up with a few challenges. Although some problems may arise, especially in the beginning, they can be taken care of.

The challenges and their solutions

1. Assigning roles

The LMS is designed to make the organisation's work easier. However, it still needs people to control and ensure it functions properly. For that, the firm needs competent people to fill in a few key positions. There are some administrative duties that involve user registration and granting access to levels. Then, there are instructor duties that include developing and organising training programs.

These tasks are mostly handled by people in the HR and IT departments. Choose the people who can complete these tasks quickly and efficiently. Lay out their duties and define what each role is responsible for in detail.

2. User onboarding

Getting the users to start engaging with LMS is another big hurdle. Especially for learners who aren't tech-savvy, it can be even more difficult to get started. However, the full benefits of LMS cannot be enjoyed if users don't know how to use them.

Educate the employees about the benefits of e-learning. An internal marketing campaign on its benefits is a great way of raising awareness. Employees may be willing to give it a try with effective marketing. However, it is important to make sure they are motivated to use them. For instance, someone who is not well-versed in technology can be concerned with the thought "what if things go wrong?". Let "how to use LMS" be a part of the corporate lunch and learn topics.

3. Online security

With the advancement of technology, there is an increase in online threats. Hackers are getting creative by mastering the art of disguise. People who are using LMS can also fall victim to their actions.

Make sure that the organisation uses strong passwords. The higher-level access should be provided to the relevant people only. Ensure that the data is encrypted and LMS is hosted using secure servers. Do backups often.

To sum it up

In today's ever-changing business landscape, an LMS is a great e-learning tool for improving organisational efficiency. With an LMS, organisations can create and deliver their training programs and track employees' performance. In addition to improving productivity, LMS can help provide a better onboarding experience for new employees. So, implementing an LMS has many benefits. Although challenges may arise, they can be dealt with. Organisations should give it some time and help users adapt to the new technology.

Visit Imarticus Learning to learn about the new inventions in the corporate learning field.

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