The best stream to opt for becoming a data scientist

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Last updated on August 26th, 2022 at 06:55 am

The best stream to opt for becoming a data scientist

Data science tops the list of the most wanted jobs in the technology world. Data scientists are highly demanded in all the major industries like retail, marketing, health & medical, manufacturing, and many others.

In a nutshell, any data-centric organization can't simply operate without a data scientist and hence it is the hottest career option in today's time. If you want to become a data scientist but don't know how to become one, this article is for you. Keep reading to learn about the best stream for becoming a data scientist! 

Which Stream to Choose for Becoming a Data Scientist? 

Data Science is a field that is open to all types of aspirants. Although people with a technology background can have more edge than the others, anyone with the required skills and problem-solving attitude can join the field. 

Remember that there is no specific requirement for a degree needed to become a data scientist. All it takes is a specific skill set, interest, and passion to enter this field. A good understanding of the contextual applications around streams like maths, statistics, computer science, physics, engineering, etc. is necessary. However, this doesn't mean if you don't belong to these fields, then you can't be a data scientist. You can because people from fields like commerce or medical have transitioned their careers as data scientists by developing the required skill set. 

How to Become a Data Scientist?

To become a data scientist, it is very important to have a solid base of statistical programming skills. Further knowledge in data visualization, linear algebra, and programming is a must. A bachelor's degree in computer science, maths, IT, physics, or any other related field is also required in the field. Alternatively, you can also become a data scientist by taking the right data science course from a recognized institute. 

To become a data scientist you should be analytical, curious, and skilled enough to ask the right questions from the right customers with an aim to extract as much data as possible. The right academic background combined with the right skill set can set you on the right path to joining the data science industry. 

Skills Needed to Become a Data Scientist? 

The most important skills required for securing a job as a data scientist include proficiency in programming languages like Python and R, among a few others. These skills can be easily developed through training and practice. 

Below are the other sought-after skills to become a data scientist

  • Mathematics 
  • Statistics 
  • Risk management 
  • Cloud tools
  • Programming languages like Python, R, Java, SAS, SQL, AWS, etc. 
  • Big Data experience 
  • Data Engineering 
  • Software Engineering 
  • Product Management 
  • Neural Networks 
  • Quantitative and Qualitative Skills 
  • Dashboard working experience 

These are the main skills that are required for a data scientist job. The best part is, that anyone can learn these skills through a variety of courses and study material available on the internet. Alternatively, you can also learn data science online by taking a data scientist course, which includes all of the above modules. 

Ready to Build the Required Skillset 

Even if you're from a computer science and mathematics background, you can't become a data scientist if you don't have a passion for data science. This field requires passion and interest more than any specific background, always remember that. When you have passion, your life becomes much more interesting in the data scientist profession. 

As long as you're willing to work on yourself and learn programming and other skills we've talked about, you can become a successful data scientist - it will not matter if you're a teacher or a lawyer!

Sure, studying subjects like maths, computer science, and statistics gives you an upper hand, however, the field of data science doesn't restrict anyone if they have the right skills. 

And that's all about it. 

What stream should I select for becoming a data scientist? The answer is, more than choosing a stream, work on the required skill set for building a successful data scientist career. So, don't wait anymore and take up the right data scientist course or certification to learn data science online! 

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