Why is there a Huge Demand for Data Science Jobs in India?

Last updated on October 20th, 2021 at 08:56 am

Are numbers your game? Do you love coding and do algorithms excite you? If the answer to that was yes, you are in for a huge professional growth. All you need to do is step into the fast-emerging field of data sciences and your future is secured. Be it retail, manufacturing or healthcare, the demand for data analytics and scientists has never seen such a rise before in India.

The number of jobs available increased to 42% from 2014 to 2015, 52% from 2015 to 2016 and has almost doubled from 2016 to 2017. Right now, there are close to 50,000 data science jobs available in India.

Analyzing and reorganization of data to reveal human patterns and interactions is what data science involves in simple terms.

Also Read: Average Salary of a Data Scientist
Organisations like PayPal, AIG, Target, Walmart, and Mercedes-Benz Accenture are few renowned global companies that have today put up their data science centres in India. Bangalore has the highest number of jobs in data sciences, followed by Hyderabad, Pune, Delhi, Mumbai, and Chennai.

20 years ago when the technology was all about slow computers and primitive computer languages, there was no absolute scope for data sciences to exist. Now that it has progressed, there are still limited resources for people to enhance their data sciences skill – including self-help books, research papers and online courses.

So the labour available in this profession is low and the salary very high. This is one of the biggest reasons there is a boom in the professional opportunities in data sciences.  According to Glassdoor, the average pay of a person with the right skills is 19 lacs pa.

Also, it is not just the big guns of the tech world that has openings for data sciences jobs. Even the smaller startups are open to hiring entry level data analysts and scientists for reorganizing the data they started out with. This enables newbie’s to find a substantial ground to enhance their skills and the company can afford to pay them less. OYOFit, Oliveboard, CollegeDekho are few startups who have largely indulged in data analytics.

Data science is also a broad field that requires people with varied skill sets, belonging to different professional areas. Someone who is into computers will get into the database storing while those proficient in statistics will be a good analyst. Professionals who are today entering this field have a degree in computer science, engineering, economics, social sciences and business. Such people have mastered the skills of data sciences through self-study and an unending spirit of problem-solving.

Apart from these factors, data science has been termed by the Harvard Business Review as the “sexiest job of the 21st century. Top data scientists in the world today are working with companies like Google, Amazon, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. The responsibilities that a data scientist has are very unique.

Its sub-roles include – data architect, business analyst, data engineer, database administrator, and data and analytics manager. This helps professionals to grow in their career at a faster pace.

Related Article: What is The Difference Between Data Analysis and Data Science?

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