Supplier Performance Analytics and Inventory Optimization With Safety Stock Analysis

supply chain management courses

Last updated on April 4th, 2024 at 09:48 am

Supplier performance analytics is a game-changing tool for optimising supply chain design. It provides valuable insights into supplier performance, enabling informed decision-making. This data-driven approach enhances collaboration, fosters innovation, and improves efficiency. 

Combining supplier performance analytics with safety stock enables companies to identify cost savings opportunities. This holistic perspective drives transformative change, streamlines processes, and maintains a competitive edge in today's fast-paced market.

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If you're considering upskilling yourself with a supply chain analytics course, then keep reading and embark on a learning journey that will enrich your understanding and expertise in the realm of supplier performance analytics before you make a sound choice for your career. 

Why is supply performance analytics important?

Efficient sales and operation planning and optimising supplier performance is a critical yet complex endeavour. It goes beyond merely focusing on price, as suppliers adhering to agreed-upon pricing might still fall short in terms of service quality or provide substandard goods. Achieving your savings targets requires a holistic approach.

Supplier performance management grants you comprehensive visibility into the risks associated with a supplier, empowering you to implement measures that mitigate or eliminate those risks within your supply chain design.

For companies aiming to maximise profits, timely delivery, price reductions, and service quality from suppliers are paramount. The effective management of supplier performance directly impacts the overall quality of the entire supply chain. 

Establishing an efficient mechanism to enhance supplier performance becomes essential, enabling accelerated improvement and ensuring the delivery of high-quality services and products. By prioritising supplier performance, you set the stage for a successful supply chain ecosystem.

Different types of supplier performance analytics 

Here are the four primary types of supplier performance analytics:

Operational Analytics: This type hones in on the operational data within a company's supply chain. It delves into critical aspects like supplier performance, on-time delivery metrics, and quality measures. Operational analytics provide insights into the efficiency and effectiveness of suppliers' operational processes.

Financial Analytics: This type concentrates on the financial data associated with a company's suppliers. It delves into key financial factors such as invoices, payment history, and credit risk assessment. By analysing financial analytics, businesses can gain a deeper understanding of the financial stability and reliability of their suppliers.

Contract Analytics: This type revolves around analysing the contractual data related to a company's suppliers. It focuses on crucial elements like pricing structures, terms, and conditions outlined in supplier contracts. Contract analytics enables businesses to assess adherence to contractual obligations, identify potential risks, and optimise supplier relationships.

Social Media Analytics: This type zeroes in on the social media data connected to a company's suppliers. It entails monitoring and analysing online reviews, ratings, and feedback provided by customers or stakeholders about suppliers. Social media analytics offers valuable insights into a supplier's reputation, customer satisfaction levels, and overall brand perception.

How to implement supplier performance analytics?

Implementing supplier performance analytics successfully requires careful consideration of key factors. Here's a guide to ensure a smooth implementation:

Acquire accurate supplier data: Gather precise and reliable data on your suppliers from various sources such as financial reports, customer surveys, and supplier performance evaluations. This comprehensive data will serve as the foundation for your analysis.

Identify relevant KPIs: Determine the key performance indicators (KPIs) that align with your organisation's goals and will effectively evaluate supplier performance. Consider metrics like on-time delivery, product/service quality, and total cost of ownership. Tailor the selection of KPIs to your specific needs.

Track and analyse KPIs: Regularly monitor and analyse the identified KPIs to gain insights into supplier performance. Track trends, identify areas for improvement, and spot any anomalies or patterns. This ongoing analysis will enable proactive decision-making.

Develop a scorecard system: Establish a scorecard system to track and evaluate supplier performance against the selected KPIs. The scorecard serves as a quantitative tool to assess suppliers, aiding in decision-making for future partnerships. It provides a standardised framework for supplier evaluation.

Maintain open communication: Foster open and transparent communication channels with your suppliers. Provide both positive feedback for commendable performance and constructive criticism when necessary. Collaboration and effective communication contribute to continuous improvement within your supplier base.

Why is safety stock important?

Safety stock is an essential component of inventory management that involves holding extra inventory beyond normal demand. Its importance can be summarised in the following points:

It accounts for fluctuations in customer demand, minimising the risk of stockouts during unexpected spikes in demand or supply disruptions.

It compensates for uncertainties in supplier lead times, guarding against delays in receiving materials or finished goods.

Safety stock provides a cushion during supply chain disruptions, such as natural disasters or labour strikes, ensuring business continuity.

It reduces the risk of stockouts caused by variations in order cycle time, enhancing service levels and customer satisfaction.

Safety stock minimises the likelihood of backorders, ensuring product availability and customer loyalty.

It accommodates seasonal demand fluctuations, allowing businesses to meet increased customer requirements during peak periods.

Safety stock acts as a buffer for uncertain demand forecasting, providing a safety net against demand forecast errors.

Overall, safety stock plays a crucial role in mitigating supply chain risks, maintaining customer satisfaction, and ensuring smooth operations.

When do you not need safety stock?

There are valid reasons why having safety stock may not always be the optimal choice for your business. Instead of applying a blanket rule to every product in your inventory, it's important to strategically evaluate its necessity. Here are some considerations for not having safety stock:

Firstly, investing a significant amount of money in inventory ties up your cash until those products are sold. If a substantial portion of your capital is locked in safety stock, it may limit your ability to address unforeseen expenses or capitalise on business expansion opportunities.

Secondly, managing retail inventory is both time-consuming and costly. The more inventory you hold, the higher the expenses associated with holding costs, such as storage units, warehouse space, and labour.

In cases where products consistently sell at a predictable rate, safety stock may not be essential. Instead, focus on investing in additional units of items that experience occasional unpredictable surges in demand.

Lastly, if your suppliers are reliable and consistently deliver products as agreed upon, you may not require safety stock. Furthermore, having multiple suppliers for the same product provides a contingency plan, reducing the need for excess inventory.

Upon carefully assessing these factors, you can make informed decisions about when and where to allocate resources for safety stock, optimising your sales and operation planning and maximising your business's overall efficiency.


Supplier performance analytics is an indispensable asset for any business striving to thrive in the ever-evolving business landscape. It empowers organisations to adapt, optimise, and seize new opportunities, ultimately leading to sustainable growth and a competitive edge in the market. 

If you have an interest in expanding your knowledge of supply performance analytics, consider enrolling in the supply chain analytics course by Imarticus- the Professional Certification in Supply Chain Management and Analytics, in collaboration with IIT Roorkee.

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