Analytics and Visualisations for Businesses: Getting the Most Out of Data

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Last updated on April 2nd, 2024 at 05:04 am

What is Data Analytics?

Data analytics involves acquiring, arranging, evaluating, and transforming diverse raw data into comprehensive insights to enhance a business's or organisation's operational efficiency and performance.

This multifaceted approach comprises distinct phases:

  • Data categorisation: Grouping data based on various parameters, such as demographic factors (e.g., age, gender, income). 
  • Data acquisition: Gathering data from diverse sources, including computer systems, cameras, personnel within companies/organisations, and more. 
  • Data structuring: Organising data utilising spreadsheets or specialised software to help ensuing analysis. 
  • Data cleansing and preparation: Ensuring the accuracy, consistency, and elimination of errors or duplicates, enabling analysts to start the data analysis process.

What Are the Types of Data Analysis Techniques?

Data analysis encompasses four categories: descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, and prescriptive. These analyses enable businesses to make informed decisions.

Descriptive analysis

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The descriptive analysis focuses on understanding past events or trends. It provides insights into sales volumes, fluctuations, and other relevant information without delving into causality.

Diagnostic analysis

The diagnostic analysis aims to uncover specific outcomes or events' root causes or factors. It investigates reasons for sales increases or decreases, such as seasonal patterns or marketing campaigns.

Predictive analysis

The predictive analysis leverages statistical techniques and data mining to forecast future outcomes or trends. It creates visual representations to help understand and inform decision-making.

Prescriptive analysis

The prescriptive analysis offers recommendations based on predictive analysis outcomes. It suggests specific actions to take and assesses the potential implications of those actions.

What Are the Components of Data Analytics?

Data analytics elements cover various techniques for processing data. They include:

Text analysis: Text analysis involves analysing large volumes of text to develop algorithms. It is applied in autocorrect features, linguistic analysis, and pattern recognition, such as in Microsoft Word.

Data mining: Data mining focuses on extracting valuable insights from vast datasets. It helps identify behavioural patterns in clinical trials and breaks down large data chunks into smaller, purposeful segments.

Business intelligence: Business intelligence is a vital process for successful enterprises. It transforms data into actionable strategies, guiding decisions like product placement and pricing to drive commercial success.

What is Data Visualisation?

Data visualisation involves presenting information, such as graphs or maps, to improve understanding and extract insights from data. Its primary aim is to ease the identification of patterns, trends, and anomalies within large datasets.

Data visualisation is often used with terms like information graphics, information visualisation, and statistical graphics.

Within the data science process, data visualisation is a crucial step. Once data is collected, processed, and modelled, visualising it enables drawing meaningful conclusions. 

Additionally, data visualisation is a component of the broader discipline of data presentation architecture (DPA), which focuses on identifying, manipulating, formatting, and delivering data.

What Are the Types of Data Visualisation Techniques?

Visualising data can range from simple bar graphs and scatter plots to robust analyses comparing variables like the median age of the United States Congress to that of Americans. 

Some common data visualisation types include:

Table: Data organised in rows and columns, created in Word documents or Excel spreadsheets.

Chart or graph: Data presented in tabular form with values plotted along the x and y axes, using bars, points, or lines to represent comparisons. Infographics combine visuals and words to illustrate data.

Gantt chart: A timeline-based bar chart that visualises tasks and their duration in project management.

Pie chart: Data divided into slices representing percentages, combining to form a whole (100%).

Geospatial visualisation: Data displayed on maps using shapes and colours to highlight relationships between specific locations, such as choropleth or heat maps.

Dashboard: Business-focused display of data and visualisations, providing analysts with an overview and deeper insights.

Each visualisation type serves different purposes, aiding in data understanding, analysis, and presentation.

What Are the Advantages of Data Analytics and Visualisation?

Data analytics and visualisation play vital roles in the business decision-making process, offering many benefits:

Enhanced decision-making: Using skilled data analysts and appropriate software, companies can identify market trends and make informed decisions to boost sales and profits.

Deeper insights: Data analytics and visualisation enable companies to gain valuable insights into their customer base. Businesses can better understand clients' preferences and behaviours by breaking down large datasets.

Improved productivity and revenue growth: By analysing data, companies can identify areas for investment and process automation, leading to improved efficiency and revenue growth.

Real-time market behaviour monitoring: With real-time data analytics and visualisation dashboards, stakeholders can identify changes in market behaviour and adapt their strategies.

Market analysis: Data analytics and visualisation techniques allow companies to analyse different markets, enabling informed decisions on which markets to focus on and which to avoid.

Business trend analysis: Data analytics and visualisation enable businesses to examine present and past trends, facilitating predictions and guiding future strategies.

Data relationships: By exploring data relationships, companies can uncover valuable insights and make informed decisions based on these findings.

What Are the Differences Between Data Analytics and Data Visualisation?

Data visualisation and data analytics are distinct careers with differences in how they work with large datasets and communicate their findings.

Data use

Data analysts study datasets with a specific purpose, drawing conclusions and making predictions based on the data. They provide recommendations and insights to decision-makers in organisations.

Data visualisation experts focus on presenting data visually to improve understanding. They don't reach conclusions or make predictions themselves but translate the findings of data analysts into visually appealing and understandable formats.

Communication methods

Data analysts primarily communicate through written and oral reports, conducting in-depth analyses of their research questions. Their reports include the question, methodology, and findings of their analysis.

Data visualisation experts present their reports using graphs, charts, and visual aids, simplifying complex data into easily understandable visuals. Their presentations often consist of a series of visual aids without providing direct conclusions or recommendations.


Businesses and organisations can make informed choices based on analysed data by using the power of data analytics and visualisation, improving performance and profitability. 

Businesses can identify the value of their collected data using a data-driven approach, making it a significant advantage they should consider.

Embark on a data-driven career journey with Imarticus Learning’s online BBA course in Business Analytics by Geeta University.

Gain comprehensive data visualisation and analytics skills to make informed decisions and excel in business. Start shaping your future today!

Visit Imarticus Learning for more information on our BBA in Business Analytics program.

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