Degree vs skills: Learn how data analyst training can get you a job interview as a data scientist.

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Last updated on August 24th, 2023 at 05:49 am

Degree vs skills: Learn how data analyst training can get you job interview opportunities as a data scientist

How data analyst training can help you get a job interview as a data scientist? This is one of the most anticipated questions on the internet. It is often asked by people who are aspiring to become a data scientist, or already have a data analyst job and want to transition their career to the role of a data scientist. 

In this blog, we will see how you can easily get data scientist job opportunities. But before that, note one thing, when it comes to degree vs skills, the field of data science always gives importance to skills no matter what your degree looks like. So, even if you don't have a relevant degree but have the required skill set, you will be readily hired as a data scientist. Let's find out how! 

Why Become a Data Scientist?

Why do a large number of people want to become data scientists? What is something about this field that everyone is attracted to, despite so many complexities? Here are your answers. Following are the reasons why the job of a data scientist is very popular :

1. Rising Demand for Data Scientists 

The demand for well-qualified and talented data scientists is much higher than the supply. A LinkedIn study has shown that the USA alone is facing a shortage of 151,717 data scientists. So, it is clear that if you become a data scientist, there will be no shortage of job opportunities. 

2. More and Better Pay 

Data scientists get paid amazingly well. They are among the highest-paid professionals in this field. According to Payscale, data scientists earn nearly between $67k and $134k per annum. That's a massive rise after looking at the salary of data analysts, who get paid around $43k to $85k.

3. Constantly Evolving Field 

Data scientists don't have a fixed job role. Their position varies from industry to industry and business to business. They always have new and exciting projects and problems to work on. Note that, the demand for Data Scientists is increasing heavily in every field, be it retail, healthcare, sports, or e-commerce. In a nutshell, a job as a data scientist offers plenty of opportunities to grow and succeed. 

How Data Analyst Training Can Get You Job Interview Opportunities as a Data Scientist? 

If you've passed a good time as a data analyst and now want to enter the field in a more formal and powerful way, then below are a few steps that will help you get a job as a data scientist:

1. Take the Right Data Scientist Course 

The very step for transitioning your career from a data analyst to a successful data scientist is to take the right data scientist course with job interview. The right course will not only help you learn data science online to acquire the necessary skills, but it will also help you secure a good job through its job interview guarantee. 

2. Create an Impactful Portfolio 

Whether you've completed your data analyst training or currently working as a data analyst looking for transitioning as a data scientist, build a powerful portfolio. As you slowly learn the skills to become a data scientist, you will enter the process of developing your portfolio 

For instance, if you've worked on a real-time project, put it on GitHub, and list it in your portfolio. Create a handful of case studies and articles, and share them in your portfolio. By having your work, skills, and experience listed in one place, you will have something impactful to share with your interviewer or employer. 

3. Apply for Jobs 

Finally, start applying for the data scientist jobs that match your interest areas. As we have already discussed, data science is a vast area and has applications in almost all industries. What you need to do is, find the job roles in the industries that you're most comfortable working with. This will make your life as a data scientist much more relieved and enjoyable as you get to work in the area you're most interested in. Also, when you apply for jobs, don't worry about rejections. Have patience and be confident because when you have the right skills, you will sooner be spotted by employers.  

4. Grow Your Network 

Last but not least, grow your network in the field of data science. The good thing about being a data analyst is that you already have a network in this industry. All you need to do is move towards the data scientist community. It will help you learn about the industry, different job roles, challenges, growth, and opportunities it offers. 

So, these are the steps for becoming a data scientist from a data analyst. While it's true that being a data analyst can give you an upper hand in this field, you have to build an entirely different skill set to land a job as a data scientist. The best way, to begin with, is to take the right course from a known institute

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