Bring ideas to life, drive economic growth and expand human welfare with AI courses

best artificial intelligence and machine learning courses by E&ICT Academy, IIT Guwahati

Last updated on March 28th, 2024 at 11:17 am

AI courses are a great way to bring your ideas to life and expand human welfare. With AI, you can create new products or services that improve the quality of people's lives. You can also use AI to automate processes and tasks that used to be done by humans.

It can help businesses save money and increase efficiency. In addition, AI can help researchers solve complex problems and discover new cures for diseases. By taking an AI course, you will have the skills needed to make a difference in the world! 

What is AI, and how will it change the world economy?

The future of AI is so bright we have to wear shades. That's because the impact of artificial intelligence on economic growth promises to be enormous and far-reaching. The Mckinsey & Company reports that "by 2030, AI could deliver an additional global output of around $13 trillion – or about 16% higher cumulative GDP compared to today."

That's a pretty staggering number, and it underscores the importance of getting up to speed on AI for personal and professional reasons. And that's where our new AI courses come in! They cover all aspects of AI, from its history and development to the latest applications. 

How can AI courses help people learn new skills and advance their careers?

AI can increase business efficiency by automating menial tasks and improving decision-making. By taking AI courses, businesses can learn how to use these tools to improve their productivity. In addition, as artificial intelligence becomes more widespread, employees who are familiar with its workings will be in high demand.

By teaching them how to use AI in everyday activities, AI courses can also help people improve their lives. For example, an AI course may teach students how to identify and correct errors when they see them or create a chatbot that can intelligently respond to questions.

The benefits of artificial intelligence for human welfare

Artificial intelligence is a new technology that many industries have adopted to increase efficiency and creativity. For example, AI can help us make better financial decisions, improve our health and safety at work, predict the future of weather on Earth, or even what we should do in case of an emergency. Many studies have been done on AI to determine how it can benefit different areas of our lives. 

Discover AI Certification with Imarticus Learning

This Artificial Intelligence certification will provide students with a solid foundation in the practical applications of data science by teaching them how to apply their knowledge to solve real-world issues.

best artificial intelligence courses by E&ICT Academy, IIT GuwahatiThis program is for recent graduates and early-career professionals interested in advancing their careers in Data Science and Analytics, the most in-demand job skill.

Course Benefits for Learners:

  • Participate in 25 in-class real-world projects and case studies from corporate partners to gain machine learning capabilities.
  • This IIT AIML course will teach students the principles of data analytics and machine learning and expose them to several prominent tools used by professionals today.
  • Impress employers and demonstrate talents with an AIML course recognized by India's most prestigious academic collaborations.

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