What Is Experiential Learning and Is It the Right Choice for You?

Last updated on December 9th, 2022 at 07:34 am

The days of rote learning are long gone. With the development of EdTech and similar technologies used across campuses all around the globe, learning now is more of an experience than a curriculum. As an organization that aims to future proof itself, it is time you adapt and embrace the modern technological interventions.

What Is Experiential Learning?
David A. Kolb, an American Education Theorist defines learning as the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience. The definition of experiential learning closely follows this.

Experiential learning is the process where candidates learn the course material through experience paired with other traditional forms of teaching.

How to Develop an Environment for Experiential Learning?

Now that you know the meaning of experiential learning, let us explore how as an organization you can develop and foster an environment that promotes the same.

  1. Create Safe Learning Spaces

One of the first and most important criteria for developing experiential learning is to develop safe learning spaces, where students have the ability and the freedom to learn better.

An important aspect to understand here is the fact that safety doesn’t entail spaces which are risk-free. After all, students need to have some form of risk evaluation in order to learn. Safe learning spaces can thus be explained as spaces where experimentation is encouraged and failures are embraced without judgment. This will not only allow the students to be more creative, but it will also promote them to be bolder with their assessments, thus fostering a better learning experience.

2. Take Account of Logistical Challenges

While the development and promotion of experiential learning can sound easy to adapt at first, there are several hurdles that you need to consider. Mentioned below are some of the most significant aspects for to you keep in mind:

  1. Survey the learning spaces you already have at your disposal and analyze if they will be able to adapt to safe environments to foster experiential learning. Not all learning spaces are built equal and thus you need to analyze and sit down with experts before you proceed further.
  2. You need to make sure that all the enrolled students understand the values of the environment, both within and surrounding the learning space and come to respect the same. Without respect for the learning environment, the students will only learn half of the principles and values and thus this aspect needs to be taken care of.
  3. If you are considering creating an environment off-campus, security is a concern you need to address. Conduct background checks on all the properties you are taking into consideration and assess with your experts which one suits your purpose the best while taking into account security measures.
  4. One of the most difficult challenges of experiential learning is scheduling for all the involved stakeholders. Be it the students or the instructors, scheduling needs to be done months prior so that no other commitments or engagements are affected in the process. This calls for careful planning and effective communication both within and with all the stakeholders to ensure a smooth process for everyone.
  5. Another concern for students and instructors is transportation. An approach followed by most companies is to hire an external contractor who will be responsible for all the transportation needs of the stakeholders. This way, there is no concern for parking and other logistical difficulties which might hinder the learning process.
  6. Last but not the least, is the concern for privacy. In this world of data leaks and compromises in security, as an organization, you need to maintain and ensure the highest standard of security and privacy for all your students and instructors. Always make use of secure databases and restricted access, so that vital information is safe to round the clock.

Experiential learning is one of the latest trends in the education technology industry and companies who have adapted to it, have reported benefits over other conventional learning methodologies. Now that you know all about experiential learning, go ahead and discuss it with all the stakeholders and make an informed decision on its applicability in your organization.

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