How to Work on Deep Learning programming?

Learning Algorithms

Algorithms are at work all around us. Right from suggestions displayed in a text box while using Whats App to time boxing traffic signals, algorithms greatly improve the quality of human life these days. The more efficient the algorithm, the better the quality of service. Imagine an elevator system for a skyscraper with a thousand floors.

An adaptive machine learning algorithm can change the way it works depending on the demand and timetable of people going to different floors and dramatically reduce the waiting time for a person taking the elevator when compared to a static algorithm with no feedback loop.

Machine Learning is nothing but the improvement in performing a task with experience.The more the experience, the better is the performance of a machine learning algorithm. It can also be used for predicting the outcome of an event based on the historical data available. Filtering spam from your mailbox, Commute time predictions, Suggestions in social media, digital assistants are a few examples of the applications of machine learning algorithms.

Deep Learning and the Complexities involved

The fundamental rule in computer science is the use of abstractions. All concepts act as building blocks to another seemingly advanced concept, which is nothing but a layer of abstraction added over the older concept.

Algorithms, data structures, machine learning, data mining are the building blocks of Deep learning which is Machine learning and the concept of feature wise classification. Deep learning defines which feature characterizes a pattern and then uses data mining to classify, compare and define a feature.

Deep learning algorithms typically take more time to train but are more accurate and dependable as experience increases. They are used for speech recognition. NLP. Computer vision, Weather pattern analysis etc. They are usually implemented using neural networks. Deep learning is a subset of machine learning.

How to Learn Deep Learning programming

Below are few ways to understand and work on Deep learning:

  1. There are several machine learning courses, and deep learning courses available online,mostly in Python and R. Python training is usually a prerequisite for these courses. Some of the best ones are available in Udemy, Course Era, edX etc. These courses can be completed online and are prepared by the best minds in the field.  

  2. Understanding the inbuilt Python libraries: The future of machine learning and deep learning depends greatly on the inbuilt library support python provides. Tensor Flow, Thea nos, Pandas etc. are a few powerful libraries which it provides for programmers to explore deep learning concepts.

  3. Knowledge of Machine Learning or doing a machine learning course is generally preferred before diving into deep learning because conceptually machine learning is a general form of learning compared to the more specific deep learning. But based on the programmers understanding of the basic concepts, exposure to Python and R libraries, deep learning can also be started directly.

  4. However, the classic order is, do a python course -> Do a machine learning course -> Do a deep learning course and then contribute to the deep learning community after practice and execution.

  5. All the tools involved are opensource, so with sufficient interest, programming expertise and Python knowledge, cracking Deep Learning should be an easy task. Take part in the community and practice, practice, and practice to excel.

All the very best for your journey into Deep Learning..!!

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