{"id":251462,"date":"2023-08-02T13:24:39","date_gmt":"2023-08-02T13:24:39","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/imarticus.org\/?p=251462"},"modified":"2023-10-16T05:49:15","modified_gmt":"2023-10-16T05:49:15","slug":"html-and-css-foundations-of-the-web","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/imarticus.org\/blog\/html-and-css-foundations-of-the-web\/","title":{"rendered":"HTML and CSS: Foundations of the Web"},"content":{"rendered":"

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) lay the foundation for web development in this era focused on enhancing user experience.<\/span><\/p>\n

HTML is the foundation of web pages, giving structure and defining elements. It offers semantics, making content understandable to search engines, accessibility tools, and other technologies. On the other hand, CSS enhances the presentation and styling of web pages by allowing developers to customise layouts, colours, fonts, animations, and more.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n

HTML and CSS form a powerful duo working harmoniously to make websites visually appealing and user-friendly. This dynamic collaboration empowers developers to craft engaging interfaces that captivate visitors and guide them through an immersive digital experience.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n

Learn the basics of HTML and CSS and how a <\/span>DevOps development course<\/a><\/strong> can help solidify your online presence in the ever-evolving web development landscape.<\/span><\/p>\n

Understanding HTML - Basics and Purpose<\/strong><\/h2>\n

HTML\u2019s structural prowess helps organise and define the elements. It provides the structural skeleton upon which web content thrives, from headings and paragraphs to images and links.\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n

Structure and syntax of HTML<\/strong><\/h3>\n

HTML elements and tags: <\/b>HTML elements, represented by tags, define the purpose and structure of different parts of the webpage. Each element has an opening tag, content, and closing tag. This organised structure allows for efficient content organisation and presentation on the web. Developers can leverage tags to easily manipulate and style elements, creating visually captivating and engaging web pages.<\/span><\/p>\n

Example: <\/span><p>This is a paragraph.<\/p><\/b><\/p>\n

Attributes and their role in customisation:<\/b> HTML attributes offer customisation and additional information to HTML elements. These attributes are added to the opening tag of an element using name-value pairs allowing defining properties such as colour, size, alignment, and behaviour. Incorporating attributes provides flexibility and versatility to enhance elements' visual appeal and functionality in an HTML document.<\/span><\/p>\n

Example: <\/span><img src=\"image.jpg\" alt=\"Image description\"><\/b><\/p>\n

Commonly used HTML elements:<\/strong><\/h3>\n

Headings, paragraphs, and text formatting:<\/b><\/p>\n